This Professional Behaviors Plan

This Professional Behaviors Plan

This Professional Behaviors Plan (PBP) is meant to highlight some of the areas in nursing practice in which BSN prepared nurses need to consistently contemplate, practice, and evaluate performance.


A. What is your beginning Philosophy of Nursing (fill in the 3 “I believe” prompts below)


I believe patient care is: an individualized and evidence based approach that ensures the best outcomes are achieved in a patient.


I believe nursing education is: essential in the building of competencies to practice the profession.


I believe nursing research is: important in evaluating the effectiveness of nursing care and interventions and spawning practices that are evidence based.





B. Caring: DEFINE caring in one sentence:

Being concerned about the wellbeing of those in need and assisting them in those activities they are unable to perform by themselves.


Identify three (3) caring behaviors you will consistently demonstrate in everyday practice:


1. Assisting patients in performing activities of daily living which they are unable to perform independently. For example, feeding.


2. Maintaining open communication with the patients across all aspects of care. This includes explaining procedures, seeking consent, answering their questions, smiling, greeting patients, and conversing with them.


3. By being empathetic and providing generous and compassionate treatment as per the set standards and guidelines.


C. Courage: DEFINE courage in one sentence:

The quality of being confident and performing one’s responsibilities in a considerate manner.


Identify three (3) ways in which you will demonstrate courage in your professional practice:


1. Offering compassion even in challenging circumstances such as when dealing with relatives who have lost a patient.


2. Acting in a manner that demonstrates competency while discharging duties care to patients.


3. By being assertive and standing up for one’s convictions and beliefs at the place of work, while being conscious about them.


D. Nursing Virtues: DEFINE nursing virtues in one sentence:

They are the qualities that one possesses and enables them to act in the right and moral way.


Identify three (3) nursing virtues and ways in which you will demonstrate each of these virtues in your practice:


1. Honesty and integrity demonstrated by being truthful and adhering to the codes of conduct as stipulated by the profession.


2. Compassionate care showed by demonstrating awareness of the suffering the patients may be undergoing through and willingness to relieve it.


3.Profesiional competence showed by having sufficient skills, knowledge and ability to perform even challenging procedures.



E. Research: State why nursing research is important to your practice:

It contributes to coming up with interventions that are most effective and evidence for the practice.



Identify two (2) ways in which you will participate in nursing research:


1. By being actively involved in the collection of data.


2. By providing information and data to others who may be undertaking research.



F. Leadership: DEFINE leadership in one sentence:

The capacity of one to guide, conduct, direct, or influence others to a particular direction.


Identify three (3) ways in which you will develop your leadership skills:


1. By practicing discipline.


2. By learning new things and ways of handling different issues.


3. By inspiring and motivating others.



Identify two (2) ways in which you will demonstrate your leadership skills:


1. By amicably solving conflicts that may arise in the work area among colleagues.


2. By being a team leader in groups and encouraging active participation and contribution by all members.




G. Political Involvement:

Identify two (2) actions you will take to interject yourself into the politics of nursing


1. By registering to the professional bodies concerned with lobbying for the rights of nurses.


2. By vying for leadership positions in the professional bodies by campaigning and convincing others to vote me in through selling my ideas and manifesto to them.



Identify one (1) Public Policy issue you would like to see changed and how:


1. The death penalty of criminals. Punishment that show respect to the dignity of life should be sought.



H. Accountability: Describe three (3) ways you will hold yourself accountable for outcomes and consequences of your professional actions


1. By owning up mistakes that may have arisen from your actions or deeds.


2. By providing truthful and reliable information.


3. By familiarizing myself with the professional roles and responsibilities and in that way I will be able to freely accept when I have deviated from the expectations.



I. Success: Identify three (3) steps for success you will take to achieve your nursing goals


1. By identifying my goals.


2. By coming up with a schedule or strategies on how to achieve my goals.


3. By implementing my plan and constantly evaluating my progress to take corrective measures where need be.


J. Ethics: Identify three (3) ethical principles you will utilize to guide aspects of patient care and team work in your practice


1. Autonomy- making decisions out of free will and without external influences with the best interest for the patient close at heart.


2. Confidentiality- maintaining patient’s privacy and not disclosing their personal information to others, not unless with due informed consent.


3. Veracity- being truthful and not deceiving others. Disclose full information to patients and important others.



K. Legacy: What do you want people to describe as your greatest contributions to nursing (Identify two 2):


1. Achieving unity by all nurses across all cadres.


2. Providing the best care to patients and have great satisfaction and outcomes to all of them.





1. Recognize bullying. This is the first and most crucial step in stopping bullying. You should pay close attention to warning signs that may be indicative of bullying such as a change in behavior, unexplained injuries, avoidance of social interactions, a change in feeding habits, or loss of personal items.


2. Intervene. This may be quite challenging and requires one to demonstrate great leadership skills. Deal with the individuals and not groups, portray calmness in handling issues, listen actively, and avoid prejudging. Prevent issues from escalating by dealing with them as soon as you notice them. You should be careful to advice and give care within the limits of your expertise. Seek professional care where necessary such as from a nurse or counsellor.


3. Stop rumors. Negative rumors about the targets of bullying put them in a more vulnerable situation. These rumors make bystanders not to intervene for they paint the victims as deserving of the bullying. These rumors should be stopped. Bystanders should also be held accountable for providing an audience to bullies thus encouraging them. Explain that it is wrong and why bullying should not be tolerated.


4. Hold organizations and leaders accountable. Institutions should come up with anti-bullying policies that need to be enforced. Leaders should also be trained in ways of dealing with bullies.






Berman, A., Snyder, S. J., Kozier, B., Erb, G., Levett-Jones, T., Dwyer, T., … & Park, T. (2010). Kozier and Erb’s fundamentals of nursing (Vol. 1). Pearson Australia.

Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P., & Hall, A. (2020). Fundamentals of Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.


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