Spirit of Inquiry Ignited

Spirit of Inquiry Ignited

CP – Week 10 Discussion 1st REPLY

Reply to the following PP by supporting the post.  You will want to focus on their point of view, asking pertinent questions, adding to the responses by including information from other sources. Be objective, clear, and concise. 

It is important to support what you say with relevant citations in the APA format from both the course materials and outside resources. 



Being in the healthcare field we can attest that we are among many who have been feeling the effects of nursing shortage, if it was not apparent before, since COVID-19, it is surely noticeable. Nurse burnout is nothing new; however due to COVID-19 pandemic burnout is more prevalent among healthcare practitioners. COVID-19 has overwhelmed nurses causing burnout and putting patient’s safety at risk (Cabarkapa et al., (2020). Many nurses are retiring, changing career fields, and pushing through working unhappy due to burnout. “Abundant studies have documented the negative impact of burnout. Burnout lowers nurses’ quality of life, performance level, and organizational commitment and increases their intention to leave the job. As well, burnout increases turnover rates and negatively affects the quality of nursing care” (Mudallal et al., 2017).

Spirit of Inquiry Ignited

“More than three quarters (76%) of employed Americans report they are currently experiencing worker burnout—and roughly one in 10 (9%) report experiencing complete burnout. Women report experiencing burnout more frequently (80% of women vs. 72% of men), and women in younger age brackets are especially likely to experience burnout. Employed women aged 35-44 are more likely than their younger and older counterparts to report they are currently experiencing complete burnout (19% vs. 8% age 18-34, 7% age 45-54, and 2% age 55-64). Among employed men, those aged 45-54 are three times as likely as those aged 18-34 to say they are experiencing complete burnout (15% vs. 5%). Race, income, and education don’t seem to have a noticeable effect on today’s burnout rates. However, marriage status and child-rearing do. While just 6% of unmarried American employees report they are currently experiencing complete burnout, 12% of their married counterparts report the same. Moreover, 12% of working parents with children under 18 report they are currently experiencing complete burnout, while only 7% of those who do not have children under 18 report the same”(Spring Health, 2020).

PICOT Question Formulated

Are nurses (P) who are unhappy in their career/position and experiencing burnout (I) compared to those who are happy (C) at a higher risk of more health complications if they stay in their field of work (O) past 6 months (T)?

Search Strategy Conducted

On the Cochrane database, using the keyword burnout, some beneficial information was found, such as interventions to improve return to work in depressed people. It explained how by treating and helping with depression, providers could help people go back to work and use fewer sick days. An article was also found titled, “Computer‐based versus in‐person interventions for preventing and reducing stress in workers”, which explained a study that was completed to measure stress or burnout as an outcome in workers. It was also interesting to read how they believed reducing the stress in workplaces would allow the employers to retain employees and cause overall benefits for both parties involved. It shows how it is worth it for employers to invest in ways to reduce stress in the workplace.

The database Dynamed was also used to find articles that helped to shine more light on how burnout is caused by exhaustion and is also referred to as fatigue, emotional exhaustion, or energy depletion and is something we should pay attention to and address before it causes other serious complications to occur. An article from CINAHL explained how burnout negatively affects sleep patterns which in turn affects overall health. There was also an article specifically addressing stress effects on a nurse’s quality of life and explaining how burnout can cause the workplace to become a hazardous environment and causes the nurse to be prone to making mistakes.


Critical Appraisal of the Evidence Performed

Rapid critical appraisal checklists were used to evaluate the validity, reliability, and applicability to practice (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015) for each of the studies found from the search. These articles help to explain that burnout has physical, emotional, and behavioral effects. Physical symptoms include feeling tired and drained, lowered immunity, frequent illnesses, frequent headaches or muscle pain, and a change in appetite or sleeping habits. The emotional symptoms may include, a sense of failure and self-doubt, feeling helpless, trapped, defeated, and detached, feeling alone in the world, a loss of motivation, having a more cynical and negative outlook, and a decreased satisfaction. Behavioral symptoms include withdrawing from responsibilities, isolating yourself from others, procrastinating, moving slower to go things, using food, drugs, or alcohol to cope, taking out their frustrations on others, and skipping work or coming in late and leaving early. The articles also explained that due to lowered immunity, employees are at higher risks of infection and injury. “Burnout syndrome is a common and important problem among health professionals that also has adverse effects on people’s daily life, especially increasing the incidence of infection and trauma” (Yates, 2019). All articles explain how burnout can negatively affect overall health.

Evidence Integrated & Practice Change Implemented

All of the studies synthesized used questionnaires to conduct and analyze the research. This researcher decided to use an anonymous questionnaire study that would allow for the most honest and accurate information from the participants. Participants went through a series of questionaries over the time span 3 months. An initial questionnaire was used to group the nurses into different categories based on their time in their position, satisfaction level in their position, outside factors such as family support or responsibilities, and type of facility or level of responsibility/position held. Then they were assessed through questions to focus on their overall health status. Each group was assessed and compared to each other to determine which group had the most serious health conditions.

Outcome Evaluated

After performing the initial study, based on the PICOT question, the researcher evaluated using the plan below:

The researcher developed a baseline of evidence on how nurse’s health is negatively impacted based on the environment they work in from the results of the initial analyzed questionnaire.

The researcher reviewed the outcome and data of the study with the employer/leadership. It is important to help them to understand from the evidence provided, that the strain in the healthcare workplace takes a toll on the nurses, which can negatively affect their health in multiple ways, and in turn affect the care the patients receive.

The employer/leadership was able to implement changes that will facilitate and promote a healthier and happier or more pleasant work environment.

After having the changes in place for 6 months, the researcher will perform a repeat of the study through questionnaire to identify the impact the changes have made on the nurse’s health and overall risks.

The researcher can again meet with the employer or leadership to update them on the progress that their changes have made or suggest other processes that can be implemented to facilitate a healthy work environment and reduce burnout.


Project Dissemination

The researcher believes that information from this research would best be presented to the healthcare leadership group and employers through a PowerPoint presentation. Initially, this research evidence shows the effects on the overall health of nurses, once the evidence is acknowledged and changes implemented, the nurses would benefit. The patients they care for would also benefit from healthier nurses caring for them. The employers would also benefit from being able to retain nurses and run a healthy and effective healthcare system. This evidence would greatly impact all healthcare settings from hospitals, to rehabs, to ALFs, to hospice agencies, to home health agencies, to contracting agencies, and any setting that employs nurses.


The end goal of the research is to identify and eliminate the factors that cause nurses to experience burnout and to promote healthier happy work environments that will allow nurses to be healthy enough to provide safe and adequate care to their patients. Simple changes can help to eliminate a lot of strain on the whole healthcare system where nurses can stay in a position and assist other nurses and relieve a lot of burnout domino effects.

The researcher would like healthcare leadership to be aware of how work environments can lead to added stress on employees and in turn lead to burnout. Burnout can seriously affect the employee’s overall health. Measures can then be taken to ensure work environments are as pleasant as possible while still being able to safely care for patients. Then nurses can truly enjoy what they are doing, love it even more, and continue to be healthy enough to care for others safely.



All Answers Ltd. (November 2018). Prevention of Burnout Among Nursing Staff: a Literature Review. Retrieved from https://nursinganswers.net/litreviews/prevention-of-burnout-among-nursing-staff-a-literature-review.php?vref=1

Blackwater, A. (2021, February 19). Types of burnout: Know your stress. Patients Rising. Retrieved from https://www.patientsrising.org/types-of-burnout/.

Cabarkapa, S., Nadjidai, S. E., Murgier, J., & Ng, C. H. (2020). The psychological impact of COVID-19 and other viral epidemics on frontline healthcare workers and ways to address it: A rapid systematic review. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health, 8. https://doi-org.su.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.bbih.2020.100144

Dynamed . (2021, September 2). Dynamed.com. Retrieved from https://www.dynamed.com/condition/clinician-burnout.


References Cont.

Kirsch, D. (2021, May 7). Burnout is now an official medical condition. The American Institute of Stress. Retrieved from https://www.stress.org/burnout-is-now-an-official-medical-condition.

Mudallal, R. H., Othman, W. M., & Al Hassan, N. F. (2017, January 1). Nurses’ burnout: The influence of leader empowering behaviors, work conditions, and demographic traits. Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5798741/.

Prior, R. (2019, May 27). Burnout is an official medical diagnosis, World Health …Retrieved from https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/27/health/who-burnout-disease-trnd/index.html.


References Cont.

Smith, M., Segal, J., & Robinson, L. (2021, October 5). Burnout Prevention and Treatment. HelpGuide.org. Retrieved from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/burnout-prevention-and- recovery.htm.

Soto-Rubio A, Giménez-Espert MDC, Prado-Gascó V. Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Psychosocial Risks on Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Nurses’ Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Oct 30;17(21):7998. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17217998. PMID: 33143172; PMCID: PMC7663663.

Spring Health. (2020, December). December 2020 Burnout Nation – Spring Health. Retrieved from https://www.springhealth.com/wp- content/uploads/2020/12/Spring-Health-Burnout-Nation.pdf.


References Cont.

Yates SW. Physician Stress and Burnout. Am J Med. 2020 Feb;133(2):160-164. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2019.08.034. Epub 2019 Sep 11. PMID: 31520624.

Zavodchikov, N. (2019, June 20). Burnout has negative health effects. Thrive Global. Retrieved from https://thriveglobal.com/stories/burnout-has-negative-health-effects/.


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