Reflective journal

Reflective journal


Students are required to submit weekly reflective narratives throughout the course that will culminate in a final, course-long reflective journal due in Topic 10. The narratives help students integrate leadership and inquiry into current practice.

This reflection journal also allows students to outline what they have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses, and additional resources that could be introduced in a given situation to influence optimal outcomes. Each week students should also explain how they met a course competency or course objective(s).

In each week’s entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout the course. Journal entries should address one or more of the areas stated below.  In the Topic 10 graded submission, each of the areas below should be addressed as part of the summary submission.

  1. New practice approaches
  2. Interprofessional collaboration
  3. Health care delivery and clinical systems
  4. Ethical considerations in health care
  5. Practices of culturally sensitive care
  6. Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients
  7. Population health concerns
  8. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
  9. Health policy
  10. Leadership and economic models
  11. Health disparities

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

My objectives for this course are to be successful. I plan myself on how to attain my class’ goals. In order to develop change in the following ten weeks, it is important for me to understand health policy both in my workplace and everywhere. Research study has proven that, “nurses must possess the ability to analyze data and to come up with a plan to taking action that will make us look naturals for policy activity and involvement” (Cherry & Jacob, 2016). This week had pay particular attention to the various policies and standard methods used at my workplace.

Week 2 Journal, date (04-08-19-04-14-19)

I spend this week looking for issues at my workplace that I can take on for my EBP project. I learn that personally I am very skilled at identifying problems or situations that could be improved. For example, I realize that the nurses are not properly assuming their responsibilities for patients at their bedside, particularly with patients they deem ‘annoying’. This I believe can lead to health disparities as nurses will give preferential treatment to patients they aren’t annoyed by. In a cultural city like Miami, nurses will give this preferential treatment to those who speak their native language. Other issues I’ve identified are improper infection control increasing the risk of infection spread and inadequacy in pressure ulcer prevention. These last two are population health concerns because they are issues the public can encounter anytime they enter or are admitted to a health care facility. It is up to the nation as a whole to improve health care practice to address these concerns.

Week 3 Journal, date (04-15-19-04-21-19)

Going through many articles during this week showed me various methods were researched. Of these methods the ones with the strongest evidence will eventually be implemented as new practice approaches. For example, a study has shown that, “a new approach was used in this article which appears interesting to learn about an old fashion method that yields tremendous result in the past being traded for a new device called “Pressure Gone” (Chapman, 2017). The new practice approach will help us meet the goal of reaching 90% use of evidence-based practice by 2020 with maximum effort.

Week 4 Journal, date (04-22-19-04-28-19)

Upon reflection on the professor’s inquiry I discovered that it is important to understand the culture of the population that you are working with in order to optimize health care delivery and clinical systems. In workplaces with a mixed of culture, a multilinguistic team is required to effectively communicate with the patients and fully address their concerns. These patients required the full attention of the nurses during the provisions of that care while value and respect them regardless of their background. In addition, during the evaluation of the literature, many articles depict many participants who freely accepted to take of part in these studies. Ethical considerations while conducting research is also of concern in health care settings. Information obtained from each participant is always kept confidential. The very nature of the profession of nursing is the obligation and responsibility to care (Beauchamp et al, 2009). The ethic of care involves the nurse fulfilling the caring task by seeking the best way to care for each patient, one patient at a time, thus fulfilling a moral imperative to alleviate suffering by taking action.

Week 5 Journal, date (04-29-19-05-05-19)

This week gives me an opportunity to contact the stakeholders in order to get resources for the project change. In this facility, I need to reach different people based on their line of position to acquire the right information in the pursuit of this goal. Directors, managers, and charge nurses worked collaboratively with the staff members and other personnel of the place to improve the quality of care of the patients and to create a better work environment for the workers. These people exercise their leadership and economic models in place to ensure proper funding for the project. It is often the role of the leaders to allocate funds correctly.

Week 6 Journal (05-06-19-05-12-2019)

I have been observing my colleagues performing their tasks to see if they were using the best evidence-based practice in this nursing skilled facility. Nurses in practice commonly question procedures and routines, asking if there is a better way to achieve the outcomes of patient care. During my observation, I realize that most of them were not equipped to answer these questions appropriately. Additionally, coming up with solutions off the top of one’s head isn’t the best way. Here comes my initiative to bring this new change to this facility so everyone can benefit from this work. The introduction of new practice approaches has taken into consideration for the well-being of these patients residing in this facility. It’s important to understand that despite being evidence based, new practice approaches may not always be successful in every workplace. That is why goals are set in order to determine whether new approaches should be continued or if a better practice is requires.

Week 7 Journal, date (05-13-19-05-19-19)

Technology is an essential tool for nurses for tracking, interpreting, and improving quality of care. One of the many reasons nurses need to be lifelong learners is because technology continues to change and evolve. The role of technology in improving health care outcomes is to facilitate the access of information quickly and accurately. Modern technology has given me the possibility to create professional looking power point presentations and a pamphlet which would otherwise be difficult to produce without a professional hire.



Week 8 Journal, date (05-20-2019-05-26-2019)

In reflection this week, I’ve realized that the implementation of my EBP project change would not be possible without assistance from many individuals. First researchers are needed to provide scientific evidence. Within my workplace, I had to get approval from my director to introduce the new protocol; otherwise the nurses wouldn’t have been obliged to do so. Aid from the facility educator allowed for dissemination of the information at workshops and evaluations from the dietitian are an integral part of the project change. Truly without the intra-professional collaboration not even something as relatively small scale as this project could happen easily. This proves that in order to have a fully functioning health care system, intra-professional collaboration cannot be ignored.


Week 9 Journal, date (05-27-2019-06-02-2019)

This week was fabulous. I compiled everything I have been learning through this course into a concise proposal project. The population with the problem that required much attention has been identified. Different solutions that used evidence-based practice were employed to improve the patients’ quality of care. The expertise on how to think critically in order to make the right decisions in the nursing profession has been developed through a lot of practice and advice from my professor. The population health concerns were addressed throughout this project because I was concerned on how nurses are taking care of these older adults in this nursing skilled facility. I work hard to develop this project change despite of all the obstacles encountered along the way.

Week 10 Journal, date (06-03-19-06-09-19)

Hooray! I am finished with the project. Now I think I fully comprehend the importance of implementing the evidence-based practice in health care settings. One way to ensure positive patient outcomes is through evidence-based practice. Research articles play a big role in this process. That is where I collected most of reliable and accurate information to embellish my project. By using PICOT as a framework, Nurses in general, can focus on looking for specific articles that are mainly discussing their particular problem and can eliminate looking a research that may not address intervention that we are interested. When nurses are looking for health care issues they demonstrate great interest in getting involved in the health policy development. The ability that we possess to observe, use and analyze data and to come up with a plan to taking action make us look naturals for policy activity and involvement. Studies have shown that “a great deal of thoughtful, focused effort goes into the development of health policy—Health policy should be part of the professional nurse’s skill activity” (Cherry & Jacob, 2016).





Beauchamp, T.L. Childress, J. F. (2009). Principles of biomedical ethics. 6 ed. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press

Chapman, S. (2017). Preventing and treating pressure ulcers: evidence review. British Journal of Community Nursing, 22, S37–S40.

Cherry, B. & Jacob, S. (2016). Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, & Management, 7th Edition. VitalBook file.

Lachman, V. (2012). Applying the Ethics of Care to Your Nursing Practice. Ethics, Law and Policy.


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