Project Theories Of Nursing

 Project Theories Of Nursing

Your “Personal Philosophy and Theoretical Concepts” Paper is due this week. Your paper should contain the following sections:

  • Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. This does not include future goals.
  • The Four Metaparadigms: Describe what the literature says about the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, nurse, health, and environment. Do not relate the metaparadigms to the theory you have chosen.
  • Briefly describe the theory you have chosen.
  • Two Practice-Specific Concepts: in separate subsections discuss each of your two concepts:
    • What is the definition of the concept (outside of the theory)?
    • How does your theorist define your concept?
    • How does this concept apply to your clinical setting? Give an example of how nurses in your area provide care that correlates with the theorist’s definition of the concept.

You MUST use the attached template here to complete your paper.

The paper is to be thoroughly researched and well documented, with relevant material from the nursing theorists presented incorporated into the paper. Use the current edition of the APA Manual throughout the paper. Sources should focus on references from nursing theory but may also include conceptual and theoretical material from other professional domains. The paper, excluding references or appendices, is to be limited to 3-5 pages. Writing should be succinct and well organized, as it is impossible for the facilitator to evaluate form and content separately.

Personal Philosophy and Theoretical Concepts

Security, promotion and avoidance of disease and disability, alleviation of distress by the evaluation and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of people, households, societies and populations” is described by the American Nurses Association” (ANA, 2012). Pathways are made available in the area of nursing by the use of various examples of definition and principle. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the basic ideas and principles of nursing related to the role of nursing, and we will also address my autobiography of how I became a nurse.


In my six years of practice as a clinical nurse, I have a Bachelor of Science in nursing. I started my career at acute care hospital in south Florida as a medical surgical nurse, where I acquired considerable nursing expertise and experience. I have served in several departments that included one of my favorites, telemetry, in addition to becoming a medical surgical nurse. I have served in the telemetry of the hospital, where I obtained extensive expertise in numerous nursing fields, including orthopedics, neurology, recovery, oncology, GI, ED, and SVICU. I established a strong interest in emergency nursing through this experience. Since then, I have decided to progress my studies in family nursing or a similar field of specialty to become a nurse practitioner.

I assume that applying for a master’s degree in family nursing or a related course would enable me, as an advanced nurse, to achieve my personal and professional objectives. I look forward to learning more about epidemiology, pathophysiology, occupational health and health growth through the Family Nurse Practitioner Program at South University. I’m also looking forward to understanding more about the theoretical experiences that inspire specialized nursing practice. This program will also help me to achieve my dream of serving as a successful nurse practitioner, along with the best available nursing knowledge and skills.

The Four Metaparadigms

Metaparadigms affect actions reached by nurses in the field of patient treatment. Nursing theories provide a deeper explanation of the assumptions of nurses and their theory that governs their treatment. As a potential nurse educator, I find like my thinking is largely aligned with Jean Orlando’s nursing theory. Jean has therefore created a definition of a deliberative nursing method that can be used by emergency nurses to assess, coordinate, execute, track and evaluate the effectiveness of nursing care plans adopted through the utilization of multiple patient classes (Peterson & Bredow, 2020). The chapter below therefore discusses metaparadigms in nursing, according to Piagets theory and the manner in which they shape my nursing philosophy.


Theorist Watson and Nightingale promoted the convergence of the four principles of quality services into the definition of patient treatment in nursing (Alligood, & Tomey, 2010). Any patient, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, socio-economic status and religious affiliation, among others, must be respected and handled with dignity in nursing practises. Any patient, even if his or her viewpoint varies from my professional point of view, is deserving of consideration. It is the responsibility of any patient, with dignity and justice, to obtain quality and affordable facilities. This ensures that any patient is entitled to integrity and remains healthy while accessing treatment.


Patients or humans are diverse in essence. Dynamic means that nurses continue to engage in a nurse-patient partnership in order to consider their medical preferences and how to meet them. Nurses can ensure that nursing care programs are designed to encourage patient-centered care (Smith, 2019). Quality treatment, empowerment and economic growth of care measures are accomplished by this.


A good relationship of quality care can be based around the idea of a nursing patient and nurse (Johnson, & Webber, 2010). The nurse or caregiver should value the cultural views and beliefs of the patient and should not favour the patient by offering treatment. The nurse must keep charge of each patient and guarantee that they communicate to the patient’s families and caregivers regarding the well-being of the patient. In the case of clinical health care, a nurse should promote patient-centered treatment.


The concept of health supports the patient’s full physical, psychological, cultural, emotional and spiritual well-being. In every aspect, whether mentally, spiritually, socially or physically, a patient should achieve full fitness (Masters, 2012). If one aspect of the patient is not fulfilled, it means they have not achieved full fitness.

Two Practice-Specific Concepts

Piaget claimed that contact with atmosphere played a significant role in human growth. The psychological and social mechanisms implicated in the human development theory of Jean Piaget are explored about nursing children needing intubation and ventilation in adult ITU.

Health promotion

Promoting wellness is a vital factor of taking care of the customer. Health promotion programs that promote patient well-being can be promoted by nurses. In order to improve the illness of patients, health care providers should establish relationships that embrace health promotion activities. For example, patients suffering from a terminal disorder cannot completely recover, but exercises may help enhance the wellbeing of the patient by health promoting practices such as diet reform, among others (Johnson, & Webber, 2010). It eliminates the harmful effects on a patient by the application of health promotion. Through social, physiological, behavioral and mental activities, well-being of a patient can be promoted.

Evidence-Based/Informed Practice

The other theological practice focuses on evidence-based/informed practice. Proof-based care is a blend of clinical knowledge and patient values. Nurses may provide patients with the most effective care for ideal health conditions (Masters, 2012). The care offered to the patient should be scientifically proven and the patient should get the best results. In addition, nurses can understand the cultural and social values of patients in evidence-based care. They should also value the patient’s opinion about the level of treatment needed by the patient. Evidence-based study promotes inter-professional collaboration, which transforms into positive patient engagement. It respects the quality of caring by evidence-based medicine.



In conclusion, the theory of nursing is focused on four principles, namely nurses, persons, the environment and health. In a stable atmosphere, nurses can develop a strong partnership with the patient and provide quality treatment. Nurses can use two principles in discipline in clinical practice, which are wellness promotion and evidence-based practice for quality services. They promote the well-being and clinical benefits of patients by delivering professional care.




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Peterson, S. J., & Bredow, T. S. (2020). Middle Range Theories: Application to Nursing Research and Practice. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Rosen, T., Hargarten, S., Flomenbaum, N. E., & Platts-Mills, T. F. (2016). Identifying elder abuse in the emergency department: toward a multidisciplinary team-based approach. Annals of emergency medicine68(3), 378.

Smith, M. C. (2019). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

Spraga-Spencer, K. (2020). Twenty-First Century American Nursing Theories. Independently Published.

Stiglic, G., Pajnkihar, M., & Vrbnjak, D. (2017). Teaching and Learning in Nursing. BoD – Books on Demand.

Zerwekh, J., & Garneau, A. (2020). Nursing Today – E-Book: Transition and Trends. New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Alligood, M.R., & Tomey, A.M. (2010). Nursing theorists and their work, 7th edition. Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby.

Johnson, B, M, & Webber, P.B. (2010). An introduction to theory and reasoning in nursing 3rd edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Masters, K. (2012). Nursing theories: A framework for professional practice. Sudbury, MA:

Jones & Bartlett.

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American Nursing Association. (2012). What is nursing? Retrieved from http://www.


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