Project Planning and Preparation

Project Planning and Preparation


Project planning will be an important aspect of your new role as a DNP-prepared nurse. The purpose of this assignment is to further explore the project planning process as you prepare for your DNP project. This assignment is an extension of the Week 2 and Week 3 assignments and any previous work you have done on your selected practice problem or for your DNP project planning.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

· CO 2: Formulate a needs-based organizational assessment to inform strategic leadership decision-making. (POs 3, 5, 7)

· CO 3: Develop strategies to lead project planning, implementation, management, and evaluation to promote high-value healthcare. (POs 3, 5, 7)

Page Requirement:

Length 4-5 pages – excluding title page and references.


Review the Graduate Re-Purpose Policy in the Student Handbook, page 15

Repurposed Work (Chamberlain University Graduate Programs only): Graduate students have the opportunity to use previously submitted ideas as a foundation for future courses. No more than 50 percent of an assignment, excluding references, may be repurposed from another Chamberlain University course (excluding practicum courses). Previous course assignments that are deemed building blocks will be notated in the syllabus by the course leader. As with every assignment, students must uphold academic integrity; therefore, students must follow the guidelines for remaining academically honest according to the Academic Integrity policy. If the instructor is not made aware of the repurposing of an assignment, the submission will be treated as plagiarized work if not properly referenced

Use the following subheadings as Level 1 headers to organize your paper.

1. Introduction

a. Start your introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest.

b. Present the purpose of your proposed project. Begin your formal purpose statement by stating, “The purpose of the proposed (DNP) project is to…”

c. Provide a preview of what the paper will include with a strong thesis sentence.

2. Assessment

a. Describe the practice problem at the national level; support with data.

b. Describe the practice problem at the practicum site; support with data if available.

c. Identify and describe the sources of data from the practicum site. For example, Incident reports, readmission rates, infection rates, etc.

3. Planning—Evidence Synthesis

a. Present the updated evidence synthesis to identify the evidence-based practice (EBP) intervention to address the practice problem and need for change. (Use the synthesis from the week 2 assignment – be sure to accept track changes and update your Week 2 paper based on feedback provided by course faculty before adding to this paper).

i. Main points/salient themes that emerge from the sources (Cited)

ii. Compare and contrast main points/ themes from all sources (Cited)

iii. Objective rationale for the intervention based on the literature

4. Implementation

a. Clearly describe the DNP project evidence-based intervention.

b. Discuss the rationale for why this intervention was chosen.

c. Identify the survey/ instrument/ tool, if using one, and why it was selected.

i. If not using a survey/ instrument/ tool, how will you be collecting data? For example, chart audits.

d. Describe your implementation plan to include milestones.

5. Evaluation

a. Propose measurable outcomes for the project.

b. Describe how the outcomes will be evaluated.

6. Conclusion

a. Effectively summarize your project plans in one to two comprehensive yet concise paragraphs that clearly describe your project plans to include:

i. Explain how you will implement the project.

ii. Explain how you will evaluate the project.

7. APA Format

a. Uses appropriate Level I headers.

b. References and citations are in current APA format.

c. Paper length is 4-5 pages excluding the title and reference pages.

8. Clarity of Writing

a. Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure.

b. No spelling errors or typographical errors.

c. Organized around the required components using appropriate headers.


Week 5 Assignment Grading Rubric: Project Planning and Preparation (240 pts)

Week 5 Assignment Grading Rubric: Project Planning and Preparation (240 pts)
Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction

Requirements: 1. Start your introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest. 2. Present the purpose of your proposed project. Begin your formal purpose statement by stating, “The purpose of the proposed (DNP) project is to…” 3. Provide a preview of what the paper will include with a strong thesis sentence.

30 pts

Excellent or Highest Level of Performance

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth introduction.

27 pts

Good or High Level of Performance

Includes all requirements and provides a sufficient introduction.

24 pts

Acceptable or basic Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements and/or provides a partial introduction.

0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Provides an undeveloped introduction.


30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment of the Practice Problem

Requirements: 1. Describe the practice problem at the national level. 2. Provide data to support the practice problem at the national level. 3. Describe the practice problem at the local level and support with data, if available. If not available, state that explicitly. 4. Identify and describe sources of data from the practicum site.

40 pts

Excellent or Highest Level of Performance

Includes all data requirements and provides an in-depth discussion in the assessment of the practice problem.

36 pts

Good or High Level of Performance

Includes at least 3 requirements and/or provides a sufficient discussion in the assessment of the practice problem.

32 pts

Acceptable or basic Level of Performance

Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a partial discussion in the assessment of the practice problem.

0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Provides an undeveloped discussion in the assessment of the practice problem.


40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlanning -Evidence Synthesis

Requirements: 1. Use the synthesis from the Week 2 assignment—be sure to accept track changes and update your Week 2 paper based on feedback provided by course faculty. 2. Present the main themes, and salient findings that emerge from the sources (Cited). 3. Contrast the main points from all sources (Cited). 4. Present an objective rationale for the intervention based on the literature.

40 pts

Excellent or Highest Level of Performance

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth Evidence Synthesis supporting the evidence-based intervention. The requested revisions from the previous Evidence Synthesis assignment were completed.

36 pts

Good or High Level of Performance

Includes at least 3 requirements and/or provides a sufficient Evidence Synthesis supporting the evidence-based intervention.

32 pts

Acceptable or basic Level of Performance

Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a partial Evidence Synthesis supporting the evidence-based intervention.

0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Provides an undeveloped Evidence Synthesis supporting the evidence-based Intervention.


40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImplementation

Requirements: 1. Describe the DNP project evidence-based intervention. 2. Discuss the rationale for why this intervention was chosen is provided. 3. Identify and describe the survey/ instrument/ tool, if using one, and why it was selected. If not using a survey/ instrument/ tool, how will you be collecting data? 4. Describe your implementation plan and include project milestones.

40 pts

Excellent or Highest Level of Performance

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth implementation plan with milestones.

36 pts

Good or High Level of Performance

Includes at least 3 requirements and/or provides a sufficient implementation plan.

32 pts

Acceptable or basic Level of Performance

Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a partial implementation plan.

0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Provides an undeveloped implementation plan.


40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation

Requirements: 1. Propose measurable outcomes for the project. 2. Describe how the outcomes will be evaluated.

40 pts

Excellent or Highest Level of Performance

Includes all requirements  and provides an in-depth Evaluation.

36 pts

Good or High Level of Performance

Includes all requirements and/or provides a sufficient Evaluation.

32 pts

Acceptable or basic Level of Performance

Includes  at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial Evaluation.

0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Provides an undeveloped Evaluation.


40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

Requirements: 1. In one to two concise paragraphs, provide a clear and logical conclusion. 2. Summarize how you will implement the project. 3. Summarize how you will evaluate the project

30 pts

Excellent or Highest Level of Performance

Includes all requirements and provides an in-depth summary in the conclusion.

27 pts

Good or High Level of Performance

Includes at least 2 requirements and/or provides a sufficient summary in the conclusion.

24 pts

Acceptable or basic Level of Performance

Includes at least 1 requirement and/or provides a partial summary in the conclusion.

0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Provides an undeveloped summary in the conclusion.


30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style and Standards

Requirements: 1. Uses appropriate Level I headers. 2. Reference and citations are in current APA style. 3. Paper length is 4-5 pages excluding title and reference pages

10 pts

Excellent or Highest Level of Performance

Includes all requirements of APA style and standards.

9 pts

Good or High Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements of APA style and standards.

8 pts

Acceptable or basic Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirements of APA style and standards

0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or demonstrates poor APA style and standards.


10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity of Writing

Requirements: 1. Uses standard English grammar and sentence structure.   2. No spelling or typographical errors.  3. Organized presentation of ideas.

10 pts

Excellent or Highest Level of Performance

Includes all requirements of clarity of writing.

9 pts

Good or High Level of Performance

Includes 2 requirements of clarity of writing.

8 pts

Acceptable or basic Level of Performance

Includes 1 requirement of clarity of writing.

0 pts

Failing Level of Performance

Includes fewer than all requirements and/or demonstrates poor clarity of writing.


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10 pts
Total Points: 240


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