PICOT Question Paper

PICOT Question Paper

PICOT Question Paper

The purpose of this paper is to address the topic of student success on a nursing research course assignment, addressed through PICOT questions. Nursing student success is fostered through faculty’s quality instruction and feedback (Rolf, Kroposki, & Watson, 2019). Included in this paper is a discussion of the use of faculty review of student work prior to submission of an assignment. PICOT questions are provided to address how this might improve student success.


Khoza and Mathevula (2014) asserted that the transition to nursing courses is challenging for students and that faculty support can facilitate student adaptation. Students’ motivation and self-esteem are enhanced when the instructor provides guidance on assignments, especially when the topic is new to the student (Khoza & Mathevula, 2014). Khoza and Methevula (2014) also stated that an understanding of the challenges students face by faculty members can be demonstrated in the classroom and will foster student success. Providing clear instructions and outlining expectations for students demonstrates understanding and empathy.

Feedback provided on written assignments as a part of the grading process may be perceived as a focus on mistakes and has been linked to negative reactions reported by college students (Baker & Zuvela, 2013). Baker and Zuvela (2013) presented the concept of feedforward, which is a strategy that allows students to take advantage of instructors’ advice prior to completing an assignment. This allows students to have a clear understanding of what the expectations are for an assignment. Feedforward strategies have been linked to student success and include the use of exemplars, demonstrated through this paper.



Significance to Nursing

The key to addressing the nursing shortage internationally is to retain students in nursing programs and facilitate nursing student completion (Walker, 2016). Retaining nursing students is dependent on assisting them to survive the rigors of nursing education. Walker (2016) noted the importance of nursing student success and retention of nursing students to not only the individual students and nurse educators, but also the members of society overall. The nursing shortage has no projected end and the need for nurses is anticipated to continue to grow (Walker, 2016).

Success on individual assignments contributes to nursing students’ engagement in their program and self-confidence (Khoza & Mathevula, 2014). This confidence can then be transferred to their success in all courses and, eventually, success on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), which is required of all nurses seeking to practice as professional nurses in the United States. Combatting the nursing shortage through student success and retention starts with student success on individual assignments within a nursing program. This success can be fostered by nursing faculty through the use of the feedforward technique.

PICOT Questions

The PICOT model provides the opportunity to focus questions on specific interventions and how those interventions may lead to specific outcomes (Schmidt & Brown, 2015). Three PICOT questions are presented here, focused on the topic of the feedforward technique as it relates to student success and on students’ motivation to participate.

1. For students in an NUR 350 course, does faculty review of PICOT questions prior to the students’ completion of the assignment as compared to no review influence student grades on the assignment during Week 2 of the course?

2. For students in an NUR 350 course, does placing an Announcement in the course about faculty review of PICOT questions as compared to sending an email to students influence the number of students submitting PICOT questions to the faculty during Week 2 of the course?

3. For students in an NUR 350 course, does placing an Announcement in the course about faculty review of PICOT questions as compared to sending a Remind text to students influence the number of students submitting PICOT questions to the faculty during Week 2 of the course?


Student success and retention in a nursing program have been identified as important factors in addressing the nursing shortage (Walker, 2016). Student engagement and studentfaculty communication are linked to student retention (Khoza & Mathevula, 2014). Baker and Zuvela (2013) identified the feedforward technique as a means to increase student engagement and self-confidence, leading to increased retention. This paper presented PICOT questions examining the use of the feedforward technique to allow students to feel positive about interactions with faculty and confident about their ability to complete an assignment in an NUR 350 course.


Baker, D. J., & Zuvela, D. (2013). Feedforward strategies in the first-year experience of online and distributed learning environments. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education38(6), 687–697. https://doiorg.westcoastuniversity.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/02602938.2012.691153

Rolf, M., Kroposki, M., & Watson, S. (2019). Quantitative evaluation of variables to student success in a mastery learning baccalaureate nursing programme. Nursing Open, 6(3), 959-

965. http://dx.doi.org.westcoastuniversity.idm.oclc.org/10.1002/nop2.278

Schmidt, N.A., Brown, J.M. (2015). Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses. (3rd ed). Sudbury,

MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Walker, L. P. (2016). A Bridge to Success: A Nursing Student Success Strategies Improvement

Course. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(8), 450-453.



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