Nursing Reflection

Nursing Reflection

The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on achievements in this course based on three criterion: Program Outcome, MSN Essential, NONPF Core Competency.


Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

1. Reflect on personal and professional growth toward achieving competence as a family nurse practitioner (CO3).



1. Choose one (1) MSN Program Outcome, one (1) MSN Essential, and one (1) NONPF Core Competency from the list below:


· MSN Program Outcome

1. Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles.

2. Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice.



· MSN Essential 

I. Background for Practice from Science and Humanities

VIII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health

IX. Master’s Level Nursing Practice



NONPF Core Competencies

 Scientific Foundation Competencies

These competencies ensure that nurse practitioners graduate with a comprehensive background in medical sciences. All nurse practitioner students are required to take foundational pathophysiology and pharmacology, but depending on their specialty, they may take additional courses. Psychiatric nurse practitioners often take courses in neuroscience whereas neonatal nurse practitioners take courses in neonatology. Scientific core competencies also include knowledge and understanding of clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based practice, translational research, and treatment of vulnerable and diverse patient populations.

The scientific foundation core competencies defined by the NONPF include the following:

1. Thinks critically about data and applies this evidence to improving practice.

2. Allows knowledge from the humanities and other disciplines to inform one’s work in nursing.

3. Incorporates research findings to enhance practice methods and patient outcomes.

4. Creates fresh evidence-based approaches and techniques, paying thought to research findings, core theory, and experience from practice.

 Quality Competencies

Quality care, as defined by the NONPF, refers to the degree to which health services increase the desired health outcomes consistent with professional knowledge and standards. Quality competencies focus on understanding how to access and use information databases and how to critically evaluate research findings.

The quality core competencies include the following:

5. Applies the best and most contemporary research findings to clinical practice.

6. Considers the complex relationships between cost, safety, access, and quality in healthcare delivery.

7. Assesses the effects of organizational structures, financial management, policy, and other factors on healthcare.

8. Offers feedback in peer reviews to “promote a culture of excellence.”

9. Tailors care to each practice situation and uses interventions as necessary.

 Practice Inquiry Competencies

Practice inquiry competencies focus on translational research, i.e., taking academic research and applying it to the clinical setting. These competencies ensure that nurse practitioner students understand how to apply research to improve their patients’ health outcomes.

The practice inquiry core competencies include the following:

10. Translates new knowledge into practice through leadership.

11. Uses clinical experiences to inform practice and improve patient outcomes.

12. Applies investigative abilities in a clinical setting to improve healthcare.

13. Facilitates practice inquiry, both individually and in partnerships.

14. Transmits knowledge from inquiry to others.

15. Thinks critically about the individual applications of clinical guidelines.

2. Reflect over the past eight weeks and describe how achieving the course outcomes have prepared you to meet 1 program outcome, 1 MSN essential and 1 NONPF competency.

3. Provide a specific example for each category.

Preparing the paper

· The written portion of this assignment is to be completed in a WORD document (.doc) and submitted to the course.

· Grammar, punctuation, spelling should be observed. In-text citations and reference page should follow APA format.

Category Points % Description
Outcome Achievement 40 80%

The student identifies at least one of the listed program outcomes;


Provides at least one specific example of how the program outcome was met;


The student identifies at least one of the listed MSN essentials;


Provides at least one specific example of how the MSN essential was met;


The student identifies at least one of the listed NONPF competencies;


Provides at least one specific example of how the NONPF competency was met.

(6 required elements)

  40 80% Total CONTENT Points= 40 pts
Category Points % Description
Organization, spelling, grammar and APA format 10 20% Narrative summary is provided with consideration to organization, spelling, grammar and APA format.
  10 20% Total FORMAT Points= 10
      ASSIGNMENT TOTAL= 50 points


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOutcome Achievement

The student identifies at least one of the listed program outcomes; AND Provides at least one specific example of how the program outcome was met; AND The student identifies at least one of the listed MSN essentials; AND Provides at least one specific example of how the MSN essential was met; AND The student identifies at least one of the listed NONPF competencies; AND Provides at least one specific example of how the NONPF competency was met; (6 required elements)

40.0 pts


All 6 required elements are present.

36.0 pts

V. Good

5 critical elements are present.

33.0 pts


4 critical elements are present.

20.0 pts

Needs Improvement

1-3 critical elements are present.

0.0 pts


0 critical elements are present.


40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Format

Narrative summary is provided with consideration to organization, spelling, grammar and APA format. (2 critical elements required)

10.0 pts


Summary is clear & easy to follow. AND There are two or less errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format.

9.0 pts

V. Good

Summary is clear to follow AND There are three to four errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format.

8.0 pts


Summary is clear to follow AND There are five to six errors in spelling, grammar or in-text/reference APA format.

5.0 pts

Needs Improvement

Summary is clear to follow AND There are seven to nine errors in spelling, grammar or in-text reference APA format.

0.0 pts


Summary is difficult to follow/understand OR There are >10 errors in spelling, grammar or in-text reference APA format.


10.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0


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