Nursing Core Competencies

Nursing Core Competencies


The major assignment in this course is a Professional Nursing Paper focusing on core competencies that are essential for nursing practice. These Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies (NOFNCC) as discussed in Chapter 1 of the textbook* were developed after an extensive review of competency based education, current practice and educational standards, projected healthcare needs, and current literature (Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, 2010). The NOFNCC were designed to ensure the delivery of safe, quality, patient-centered care by nurses with diverse levels of education in all patient care settings (Fater, Weatherford, Ready, Finn & Tangney, 2014).

Paper Focus:

The purpose of this assignment is for NUR 3825 students to research NOFNCC as they relate to a chosen clinical area. Compare and contrast 3 of the NOFNCC as each relates to the responsibilities, opportunities, and expectations of the BSN in the clinical area after the degree is earned.


This paper will evidence student competency in developing and writing a professional nursing paper to include:

  • APA format – use 6th APA Style textbook, resources listed under the APA/ Writing Center tab on CANVAS, and others you may find that support your success
  • Use of 3rd person for this formal paper, it is not a personal essay
  • Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and syntax as required with APA format
  • Appropriate reference citing to avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity
  • Minimum of 5 current references and may include your textbook
    • References should be from peer-reviewed professional journals,nursing texts, and refereed materials only (online peer-refereed journals are acceptable).  References from printed nursing journals, publications, and books found in the nursing section of Valencia College Library are acceptable.
    • Use of professional nursing databases (CINAHL, Ovid, Science Direct, ProQuest) is expected. Librarian contact information and tutorials are included in CANVAS under the APA/Writing Center module.
    • Internet sources must be professional sources(peer-reviewed nursing journals, government-maintained health websites, etc.) and MUST be properly referenced.
    • Google and Wikipedia are not considered professional research. However, Google Scholar does provide professional resources.
  • Paper length of 3-4 pages.  (A three page paper is to be 3 full pages).  No paper is to be longer than 4 pages.  The 3-4 page length does NOT include the REQUIRED title page and reference page(s). So your paper should be 5-7 pages INCLUDING a cover page and reference page.
  • Use Times New Roman 12 point font, double space, with 1 inch margins
  • Submission of paper as doc or docx file and includes submission label requirements
    • Late submissions will be penalized according to policy.
    • Papers will be graded per rubric online and returned online


Fater, K. H., Weatherford, B., Ready, R. W., Finn, K., & Tangney, B. (2014). Expanding nurse of the future nursing core competencies across the academic-practice transition: A pilot study. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing45(8), 366-372. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20140716-03

Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. (2010). Creativity and connections: Building the framework for the future of nursing education and practice.  Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competencies. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

*A NOFNCC graphic can be found on page 7 of your NUR 3825 L&P textbook.


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