Nursing And Health

Nursing And Health

Issue: Infection Control and Prevention

Topics: Cleaning and disinfection; Standards precaution and Cross-contamination

1. Search for articles related to the problem and topics mentioned above, from the articles found, select only 2 to complete the 8 articles that this question requires  (within the last 5 years).

The articles may include quantitative research, descriptive analyses, longitudinal studies, or meta-analysis articles. A systematic review may be used to provide background information for the purpose or problem identified in the proposed capstone project.

2. Provide a synopsis of the review of the research literature. Using the “Literature Evaluation Table.

a. Determine the level and strength of the evidence for each of the eight research articles you have selected.


Cohen, C. C., Choi, Y. J. & Stone, P. W. (2016). Costs of infection prevention practices in long-term care settings: A systematic review. Nursing Economics, 34(1), 16-24,45. Retrieved from

Gammon, J., Hunt, J., Williams, S., Daniel, S., Rees, S., & Matthewson, S. (2019). Infection prevention control and organizational patient safety culture within the context of isolation: Study protocol. BMC Health Services Research, 19 doi:

Gertrude, S. A., & Nabyonga-Orem, J. (2019). The Global call for action on infection prevention and control. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 32(6), 927-940.

Peng, M.-T. (2020). [Nurses: A Voice to Lead, Nursing the World to Health-Viewing COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention Efforts in Light of Nightingale’s Perspective on Infection Control]. Hu Li Za Zhi The Journal of Nursing, 67(3), 102–110.

Qi, Z.-Y., Zhao, P.-Y., Geng, S.-H., Yi, H.-M., & Yang, L.-P. (2020). COVID-19 Epidemic: Possibility of Artificial Intelligence in Infection Control and Prevention. Journal of Epidemiology, 30(8), 371.

Trusov, A., Ismoilova, J., Tonkel, T., & Aleksandrin, A. (2016). Infection prevention and control in TB programs. Health Affairs, 35(3), 556. doi:

Part 2:

Issue: Infection Control and Prevention

Topics: Cleaning and disinfection; Standards precaution and Cross-contamination

1. Write a list of five outcomes for your proposed intervention.

a. Below each outcome, provide a one or two sentence rationale.

Part 3:


Your patient is a 23-year-old female. She presents with coughing and wheezing which she stated started about three weeks ago. She is currently 25 weeks pregnant. Her last prenatal visit was one month ago in another state. She has an appointment with the prenatal care provider next week, however her respiratory symptoms brought her to your office today.

History – Chickenpox as a child. Asthma as a child, diagnosed at age 8 for which she used a SABA when needed. She has not had the need to use an inhaler since she was 19. She takes only her prenatal vitamin. No other acute or chronic problems. She advises you that she is up to date on all immunizations except she has not had a flu shot (it is October).

Social – Non-smoker, no drug use. She relocated to your state two weeks ago to get away from an abusive domestic situation. She has no support network in this area and has not yet found employment. She has no medical insurance.

HPA – Non-productive cough x 3 weeks. Wheezing audible from across the room. She states it is like this all day and wakes her from sleep every night. She reports that she is fatigued even in the morning. No other complaints.

PE/ROS – Pt appears disheveled but clean. Wheezing in all lung fields. T 98, P 82 regular, R 28 no stridor. FH 130 regular. The remainder of the exam is WNL.


1. Construct a narrative document

2. Diagnose the patient based on the above findings and provide your rationale for how you arrived at the diagnosis.

3. Develop a treatment plan specifically for this patient, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic.

4. Describe community resources (using your own community) currently available in your state/city to support this patient.

5. Provide a communication plan that you will use to ensure the patient is an active participant in the treatment plan. Refer to therapeutic communication concepts.

6. Utilize national standards, your pharm and/or patho book, and medical or advanced practice professional sources. Do not use patient-facing sources or general nursing texts.

Part 4:


Research topic: Nursing professional care in the prevention of infections associated with health care in intensive care units.


Problem question: What is the nursing professional’s care in preventing infections associated with health care in an adult Intensive Care Unit, according to the scientific literature review?

1. Include a minimum of six scholarly sources- Organize in logical sections

2. Include an overview of the literature. Be unbiased in your presentation of information. Include sources and content relevant to your research questions and hypothesis

3. state the relevance in your literature review. Include a critical assessment of the sources. Do not simply include a summary of what you have read

4. A strong introduction and conclusion, including further questions for research


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