NURS 6052 EBP Week 10 Dissemination

NURS 6052 EBP Week 10 Dissemination

ORDER an A++ paper from our MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS NURS 6052 EBP Week 10 Dissemination

The Institute of Medicine has set a goal to have 90% of practice decisions to be based on Evidence by 2020 with the goal to improve care.

The intent of the dissemination of EBP results is that the information and intervention is aimed at a specific clinical practice audience.  The main objective of dissemination is to increase and advance knowledge regarding evidence-based interventions for greater application and patient outcomes.

In determining the best mode of EBP dissemination, you must answer these questions:

  1. Who will benefit from receipt of this evidence?
  2. Where will this evidence have the greatest impact?
  3. What resources are needed?
  4. Who is the most appropriate audience?
  5. What are the benefits of this evidence to your selected audience?
  6. What are the potential risks of failing to disseminate this evidence?
  7. What are the barriers to the dissemination of evidence?

Choose one of the following modes of dissemination and discuss why it was chosen.  Assure you have attended to questions 1-7 above.

1. Powerpoint presentation- Your completed presentation will be posted to the assignment link in week 10.

Spirit of inquiry

The spirit of inquiry is noted to have ignited major depressive disorder that is treatable being a medical illness. A prevalence of about 12.8% in the United States population for the ages between the years 12-17, is noted to be having major signs of having the depressive symptoms disorder which is noted to impair their functioning and that also the 25% of the adolescents are noted to be able to receive the evidence-based treatments. For the outpatient mental health settings, there is an advanced practice for the various psychiatric nurses whereby, there needs to be conducted the comprehensive psychiatric evaluations for the adolescents whereby one would ebb determined on understanding the various symptoms, struggles, and strengths thus able to establish and implement the better treatment plan. The adults/parents are noted to be having helpless feelings (Kaser & Sahakian, 2019).

Children look like they are depressed, and thus for the psychiatrist professional will help in treatment these related effects of depression to an individual. The advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) are noted to offer psychotherapy procedures and medication during the treatment of mental illness. The APRN is always expected to be adhering to the clinic schedule whereby they will be able to offer the best quality kind of care to all patients, thus able to deal with the cognitive-behavioral effects and the treatment improvement of the various outcomes to the adult’s patient and thus having better care being provided to these patients (DiCenso et al., 2014).

The PICOT Question Formulated

For the depressed adolescents (p), there would be conducted the comparing of the psychotherapy interventions, determination of how the cognitive behavioral therapy assessment and the procedures of treatment, having the improvement of the depressive symptoms, and also the duration of over 3 months’ period (T) (Kaser & Sahakian, 2019).

Search Strategy Conducted

The search is done by the use of certain keywords which are noted to provide the direction during the search on the Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews. These keywords would include depression, adolescent, psychotherapy, treatment effectiveness evaluation, and many more which are related to the topic of mental health illness. During the search, one has to note down the various important information which is very effective whereby this would help in having the mental illness treatment and even education being provided based on the data which one has learned and thus one should conduct the search processes in a more professional manner (DiCenso et al., 2014).

Critical Appraisal of the Evidence Performed

During the rapid critical appraisal, the checklist is commonly used thus helping in the evaluation of the reliability, validity, and applicability to the practices which are being done on each study which has been found from the search done. These systemic reviews which have been done are noted to e babel to support the interpersonal psychotherapy and the cognitive-behavioral treatment thus having more efficiency being experienced in the depression treatment in adults (Prendergast, 2018). The searches which have been done earlier are very important in this case as they help in offering better medication and a combination of the various treatment procedures for the patient who is having mental-related issues. These programs and sessions which are very important for this case would include the CBT sessions and programs which would be done for the adolescents which would provide better treatment manuals for young aged persons and also in having other interventions being created which would help in creating more opportunities for the personal empowerment of individuals. There also need to be evaluated these program which has been used in the studies which had been delivered and thus this evaluation would help in assessing the various objectives of the study whether they were achieved (Thomas L. Christenbery, 2017).

Evidence Integrated with Clinical Expertise and Patient Preferences to Inform a Decision and Practice Change Implemented

The plan for the project was much based on the evidence which had been found and that was used in translating the evidence-based CBT which would be used in assessing the feasibility of the outcomes of the programs for the patient aged 12-17 years. Most adolescents that are suffering from mental-related issues are noted to be treated using the antidepressant which would be more of help for the mild symptoms. It is important to understand the drug interaction with the body and also on understanding the various pharmacological treatment which would be needed for the patients suffering from mental health (DiCenso et al., 2014). The pharmacological drugs would be very important for young people like children whereby they would provide a better implementation program on the treatment of the illness and thus having the improvement of the behavioral nature. There needs to be signed the informed consent which would be used in enhancing the treatment of these patients and also in having the implementation of the various programs for these patients both teens and adults. Evaluation is done thus assessing the whole processes which were involved in the treatment procedures and thus having the feedback checked regarding the various experiences with the help of the COPE interventions (Prendergast, 2018).

Outcomes Evaluated

From the various outcomes which have been evaluated, there has been noted that there is a notable decrease in depression, anger, anxiety, and any other destructive behavior and also on the personal beliefs and the concepts on the negative emotions. Form the COPE there have been registered positive responses thus having some promising percentage on the CBT-based interventions and thus providing better evidence-based treatments for the teens who are suffering from depression and thus able to handle it (Thomas L. Christenbery, 2017).

Project Outcomes Successfully Disseminated

The project which has been conducted has been verified of being standard and thus would be used on offering various medication care to the various patient and thus would be used by the psychiatric on having the treatment of the various mental health disorder in the person of all ages. Having more evaluations and even studies being carried out is very important as it helps in having more positive outcomes from the COPE interventions and also in the improvement of personal behaviors such as anxiety levels, anger, etc. (Williams & Cullen, 2016).


In conclusion, having mental health education studies is very important whereby they help the psychiatric nurses in the provision of better care to mental illness patients. Having searches is what necessitates having more information on how best to help the patient that is having mental related illness and disorders thus helping on dealing with their situation and even on the drug interaction thus having better treatment.



DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G., & Ciliska, D. (2014). Evidence-based nursing: A guide to clinical practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Kaser, M., & Sahakian, B. J. (2019). Major depressive disorder is a disorder of cognition. Cognitive Dimensions of Major Depressive Disorder, 23-34.

Prendergast, K. (2018). Psychiatric case studies for advanced practice. LWW.

Thomas L. Christenbery, C. (2017). Evidence-based practice in nursing: Foundations, skills, and roles. Springer Publishing Company.

Williams, J. L., & Cullen, L. (2016). Evidence into practice: Disseminating an evidence-based practice project as a poster. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 31(5), 440-444.


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