Literature Review Matrix

Literature Review Matrix

This Assignment expands upon the work you have been conducting for this week’s Discussion. For this Assignment (which you will start this week, and submit by the end of Week 7), you will conduct a search for literature on your selected practice problem. A Literature Review Matrix template will be used to identify gaps in the literature.

To prepare:

  • Consider the practice problem you addressed in this week’s Discussion. (You may select a new issue if necessary, but it is not recommended.)
  • Review the guidelines in the Literature Review Matrix, included in the Learning Resources. Formulate a research question around your issue as indicated in Part I. Then complete Part II of the Matrix, identifying the resources you will use, search terms and criteria, and Boolean search strings.
  • Using the Walden Library, locate 10 articles related to your research question. At least one article must be a systematic review. All of the articles should be primary sources. NOTE: If appropriate, you may use the four articles you reviewed for this week’s Discussion.

Here is the discussion from your support post:


How does the literature strengthen or weaken the merit of your selected theoretical framework and practice problem?

The practice issue put forward by the author is that of minimizing the rate of recidivism in patients with chronic respiratory diseases. This is a health condition which needs extensive comprehension. The academic framework recommended in the previous week’s discussion to give a discourse to this issue, was the Quality Health Outcomes Model (QHOM). This hypothesis advocates that there are links or connection between the client’s characteristics, the healthcare interventions, context or system, and the patient’s outcomes. These connections are explained as possessing a bidirectional impact, inferring that the involvements mutually influence and are influenced by the characteristics of the client and the context so as to fashion preferred results. The intervention being conversed in all four selected articles and from previous week’s discussion, is offering regular and steady nursing observation or examination to discover variations in victim status, and avert worsening.

The article by Kelly and Vincent (2011) and Fasolino and Verdin (2015) back-up the practice problem and the theoretical framework mutually. The two articles mark out a direct link between regular and steady nursing observation and a reduction or minimization in failure to save endeavors and victim worsening in other terms victims outcomes, as well as a relationship between frequent/consistent nursing examination or observation and the discovery of symptoms of patient weakening, basically the characteristics of patient. The two articles support the recognition of pitiable nursing examination or observation as an issue in the nursing practice, by explaining the rising level of failure to save endeavors and decline in patient health status when nursing examination was not satisfactory. Moreover, Watkins, (2016), gives credit to the quality health outcomes model by determining a direct link between steady nursing surveillance basically intervention and enhanced safety of patient and aversion of lacking to save situations primarily the patient outcomes, along with a link between amplified nursing examination or observation and patient significant symptoms in other terms the patient characteristics. The article also backs up the conceptualization of minimal nursing monitoring as a practice issue by conferring the severe medical ailments that were determined via the improved monitoring of patient versus ailments that would contribute to patient health condition worsening to incorporate the necessity to take a life saving action.

What levels of evidence are most prevalent in these articles?

The articles by Kelly and Vincent (2011) and Fasolino and Verdin (2015), are mutually logical or methodical reviews and hence are mutually considered to be level one, levels of substantiation. The article by Watkins’ (2016) is a potential experimental study, as it is the product of an exclusive qualitative examination. The common level of substantiation is the level 1 evidence, which was the outcome of the two initial articles, which were all logical.

Why do you think that level of evidence is most prevalent?

I consider level 1 is the most common because of the kind of study that was applied. In the contemporary world, internet access has established a prospect to acquire info and data from a range of databases. This has assisted the investigator to obtain more info to back up their hypothesis. Therefore, the methodical review has emerged a prominent research technique to retrieve a large percentage of pertinent info.


Fasolino, T., & Verdin, T. (2015). Nursing Surveillance and Physiological Signs of Deterioration. MEDSURG Nursing, 24(6), 397-402.

Kelly, L., & Vincent, D. (2011). The dimensions of nursing surveillance: A concept analysis. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 67(3), 652-661. doi:10.1111/j.1365- 2648.2010.05525.x

Sousa, K. H. (2016). Testing the Quality Health Outcomes Model Applied to Infection Prevention in Hospitals. Quality Management In Health Care, 25(3), 149-161. doi:10.1097/QMH.0000000000000102

Swan, B. A. (2018). Evidence-based nursing care guidelines: Medical-surgical interventions. (p. 7). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier

Tucker, S. (2017). The Role of Nursing Surveillance in Keeping Patients Safe. Journal Of Nursing Administration, 42(7/8), 361-368. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e3182619377

Watkins, T., Whisman, L., & Booker, P. (2016). Nursing assessment of continuous vital sign surveillance to improve patient safety on the medical/surgical unit. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 25(1-2), 278-281. doi:10.1111/jocn.13102

Attach is the matrix. This assignment is for completion of part 1 and part 2

Literature Review Matrix


Part I: PICO Analysis of Research Topic


P: Patient or Population


I: Anticipated Intervention


C: Comparison group or Current standard


O: Outcome desired


Source: Adapted from Elkins (2010)


Step 1: Frame your clinical question using the PICO method.











Part II: Search Strategy


Using the Walden Library and other appropriate databases, locate ten scholarly articles that pertain to a practice issue of interest to you and that is appropriate for an evidence-based practice project.


Step 1: Identify the resources you will utilize, or utilized, to find articles that pertain to your topic


Electronic Databases Research or Professional Organizations Experts in the field to consult Books, encyclopedias, handbooks



Step 2: Identify search terms and criteria


Key words & phrases Major authors Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria



Step 3: Identify Boolean search strings




Part III: Analysis of Literature


Step 1: Summarize the ten (10) articles you select from your search efforts completing the table below.


Summary Table of Analyzed Articles (you may determine your own headings)
Citation Conceptual Framework/ Theory Main finding Research method Strengths of study Weaknesses Level of Evidence



Step 2: Briefly summarize the history and purpose of your research question.



Step 3: Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of existing literature.


Strengths Weaknesses



Step 4: What gap exists in the current literature? Explain.




Part IV: Identify the influence of empiricism on quantitative research methodology. Discuss its applicability to evidenced-based practice projects.


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