Inclusion Equality and Equity Presentation

 Inclusion Equality and Equity Presentation



You are the Director of Diversity and Inclusion. After receiving board approval to invest in your workforce, the community, and environment, you are tasked with presenting your new Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program to your team. The program promotes inclusion not only internally, but also externally with increased community involvement and the expansion of the organization’s product mix to cater to a larger demographic. Given this is the first time the organization has embarked on a project of this nature, you feel a Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach would be most suitable for this program.

In the global business environment, leadership must understand how cultural beliefs affect employee behaviors and impact organizational goals. Therefore, leaders must embrace the benefits of cultural differences to increase the probability of reaching organizational goals as globalization does not solely occur externally from the organization. Globalization can be defined as the integration of the international community due to the interchange of aspects such as economics, politics, social, ideas, worldview as well as culture (Kacowicz & Mitrani, 2016). Change is ongoing whether a leader is heading a globally based virtual workforce or leading a domestic organization with a multicultural workforce. The reality of globalization has called for the development of professionals to enhance their global leadership skills. Attracting, sustaining, and developing people who can successfully survive a global environment is critical to an organization’s operations. Because of global expansion, corporations have had to deal with different cross-cultural employees and stakeholders with varying ethical, social, and moral views. Consequently, executives should be educated in the varying business requirements required to make strategic business decisions to lead in a dynamic global environment and diverse employees.Through research and surveys, both scholars and practitioners have noted emotional intelligence (EI) and cultural intelligence (CQ) are contributing factors to effective leadership within a diverse business environment. EI is an array of emotional, personal, and social skills to survive environmental pressure. The EI skill is identified as being critical to effective global leadership, and the training of leaders in developing this attribute will result in beneficial attributes that influence one’s overall ability to survive environmental demands and pressure. Reilly and Karounos (2009) identified five components of EI for an effective leader:Self-awarenessEmotion, strengths, weaknesses, needs, drives, and effect on othersSelf-regulationSelf-control, trustworthiness, integrity, and openness to changeMotivationDesire to achieve, optimism, and organizational commitmentEmpathyCross-cultural sensitivity, and the management of others’ emotional make-upSocial skillChange management, persuasiveness, and building teamsAs an emerging field, researchers have stated that CQ is difficult to evaluate but loosely defined as the ability to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries to create successful business interactions (Christiansen & Sezerel, 2013). The goal of global organizations is to determine the necessary skills that lead to CQ and develop a training program for leading a multicultural workforce. In their study, Dunn, Lafferty, and Alford (2012) found that 90% of executives from 68 countries named CQ as one of the top challenges in the coming years.By continuously focusing on including a diverse global workforce in the organization’s strategic plans, leaders are faced with the challenge to integrate standardized policies and procedures throughout the organization’s locations around the world. Accepting that multiple cultures can coexist and benefit from one another’s perspectives defines multiculturalism in a business environment (Ng & Metz, 2014). Embracing diversity and respecting cultural differences reinforces the importance of history and tradition. While there are many challenges in leading a multicultural workforce, there are advantages as well. The wealth of knowledge that is present in a multicultural workforce benefits the organization with creative and innovative solutions to global problems (Christiansen & Sezerel, 2013). With a culturally biased leader, there is a struggle to meet the goals of the organization, maintain a cohesive workforce, or assimilate into a global environment (Resick, Hanges, Dickson, & Mitchelson, 2006). To mitigate this risk, global organizations require leaders to recognize the potential in a multicultural workforce and guide achievement.In blending CQ and EI into multiculturalism, EI prepares the leader for any environment of multiculturalism and additions needed for leader selection and training. Global leaders can benefit from adopting emotional intelligence in the process of leading a multicultural workforce by acknowledging the contributions of followers. The inclusion of recognition leads to a change in the social structure of the global business environment that increases the sustainability of the organization (Reilly & Karounos, 2009). Global existence in business benefits the world population. A cohesive workforce requires the ability to embrace the possibility that cultural differences are simply a different perspective (Rada-Florina, Simona, Rita-Monica, & Michaela, 2012). All cultures have the same goal of survival, creating change, and establishing sustainability, but when the moral viewpoint differs multicultural trust waivers.As firms begin to remain sustainable in today’s dynamic world, leaders within organizations must be flexible and be able to learn and adopt new skills. Regardless of the approach implemented within an organization, the transformation of organizations that use EI creates a culture that encourages creativity, integrity, empathy, and influences common goals (Rada-Florina et al., 2012). As diversity and inclusion demands continue to increase for organizations, leadership theories and methods will continue to blend and evolve as these firms continue to penetrate new markets around the world and create diverse and inclusive products, services, and work environments.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) often refers to ‘companies voluntarily going beyond what the law requires to achieve social and environmental objectives during their daily business activities.’ CSR is typically considered voluntary and beyond compliance with the law. Yet, a few countries, such as China, India, and Indonesia, have taken a progressive approach to CSR under corporate law, a legal area where CSR has been deemed highly controversial. Their corporate statutes expressly state that companies shall engage in CSR activities.China is probably the first country in the world that expressly writes the phrase ‘social responsibility’ into its corporate statute. China’s 2006 Company Law provides that ‘[i]n the course of doing business, a company shall comply with laws and administrative regulations, conform to social morality and business ethics, act in good faith, subject itself to the government and the public supervision, and undertake social responsibility.’ The recent emergence of such CSR legislation has raised controversies. Advocates of shareholder primacy denounce this CSR legislation, believing that any deviation from shareholder interests would just do more harm than good. While CSR advocates generally welcome this legislative endeavor, their acceptance comes with reservations. A common concern is that although the CSR law appears imperative, it is probably merely aspirational in practice given that the statutory language of CSR is too vague to be operational. As CSR law has become an emerging legal reality, there is an urgent need to look beyond the theoretical debate and examine the law’s real-world application. In practice, how have courts applied the CSR provision under the corporate statute? Existing literature generally presents a depressing picture primarily with the analysis of the statutory language and the common perception of incompetent courts in developing countries that have adopted the law. This picture appears so pessimistic that empirical research on the judicial application of the CSR law is not something worth pursuing.In her research, Lin (2019) provides some hopeful lights shining from the generally negative image through an empirical analysis of Chinese court cases. The Chinese CSR law has been more than a decade old, which provides a long enough time span to evaluate its effects. The empirical research reveals what the CSR provision means in judicial practice, whether CSR is, in fact, mandatory, and in what types of disputes CSR is relevant or determinative of the outcome.Since 2006, at least 169 unique Chinese court cases have explicitly referenced the CSR provision or the CSR concept. Although the judicial application of the CSR law remains limited, the law is not useless or simply expressive. Chinese courts have used it in a legally consequential manner. Moreover, the substantive interpretation of CSR is contingent on the political, economic and social situations in China. For instance, Chinese courts take social stability as an important dimension of CSR. The judicial use of CSR has been made possible because the CSR law has a certain fit with China’s macro and micro institutions, including relevant legal infrastructure.The recent development of the CSR law provides a practical lens to revisit the purpose of the corporation from a comparative perspective. The traditional debate about corporate purpose tends to be firm-based, theoretical and insulated from real-world macro institutions, including politics. The CSR law reveals the institutional forces in shaping corporate purpose in legal terms. In addition, the article provides insights into the multi-faceted relationship between CSR and corporate law. Existing corporate law scholarship, mainly based on the experience of Anglo-Saxon countries, takes CSR analysis to be exclusively tied with directors’ fiduciary duties. However, Chinese courts have innovatively applied CSR in other corporate law contexts unrelated to directors’ fiduciary duties. The Chinese experience suggests that the CSR law is more of a judicial review standard than a corporate behavior standard. This example is further evidence that interpreting CSR places high demands on the judiciary.

In the areas of quality and business process improvement, organizations use methodologies such as Six Sigma to achieve operational excellence. Traditional Six Sigma relies heavily on quantitative and data-driven technical tools. These problem-solving tools include cause-and-effect diagrams, flow charts, and statistical quality control tools. In Six Sigma programs, the use of these technical tools is integrated throughout the entire organizational system, resulting in increased efficiencies and profitability. Like unconventional leadership approaches, leaders can take a different approach to use a Six Sigma tool called DMAIC. DMAIC is an acronym for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. With this approach, organizations create cross-functional teams to identify, resolve, and improve operational processes.In translating this approach to a diversity and inclusion program, once leaders create a diversity and inclusion team, organizations could hire a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or DEI consultant to come into the organization to educate the leadership and project teams. Additionally, in discussing the current state of the organization’s DEI processes, the DEI consultant could identify the organization’s maturity compared to other companies with similar characteristics. To implement a successful DEI program, the organization’s leadership team should introduce the program during an all-hands or company meeting, and address the following questions:Where is the organization going?How will the organization get there?What is the role of each employee in this initiative?How will the project positively impact the workforce?This approach provides transparency to the project and shows leadership buy-in and commitment to the project. Once the leaders of the organization have officially kicked off the project, the diversity and inclusion team could begin the DMAIC exercise by taking the following steps:define: The diversity and inclusion team would identify the goals and objectives of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program for the organization. Additionally, the project team would validate the current state of the organization’s DEI processes and procedures outlined during the education session. The goals, objectives, and current state processes should not be limited to the project team and location as the team should create a survey to request input from individuals across all the organization’s sites.Measure: Once the team receives the survey responses from the organization’s workforce, they will then measure the responses of the current state developing a baseline against those responses identified during the education sessions with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) consultant.analyze:During the data analysis step, the diversity and inclusion team will identify the common themes from the current state identification to create a future state strategy. In regards to the goals and objectives, the team will identify those that are aligned with leadership’s vision, while also addressing new goals and objectives identified by the workforce.improve: At the end of the data analysis step, the project team will collaborate through brainstorming sessions to implement approaches to address and implement the future state processes and procedures identified by the members of the organization. Also, during this step, the leadership team of the organization will continue to communicate the status of the project to ensure the workforce understands the changes within the organization, and how it will impact their business environment.control: The most important step of the DMAIC approach is the Control step. Within this step, the project team continuously monitors the newly adopted processes and adjusts based on peer feedback and observations. At the heart of Six Sigma is the goal to achieve continuous improvement. In transferring this philosophy to a diversity and inclusion program, the project team will periodically meet to identify areas of improvement that would positively benefit the organization and its surrounding communities for each location.At the heart of Six Sigma is the goal to achieve continuous improvement. In transferring this philosophy to a diversity and inclusion program, the project team will periodically meet to identify areas of improvement that would positively benefit the organization and its surrounding communities for each location. One method in creating continuous improvement opportunities is through creating an ideation space where all employees within the organization can share their thoughts and ideas on how to improve the DEI program. By incentivizing and rewarding employees that have their ideas implemented, this innovative, knowledge-sharing approach will be translated to daily processes and tasks throughout the organization.As previously stated, although the Six Sigma DMAIC approach is a process and performance improvement tool, creating this inventive process will create an inclusive work environment, paving the way for the new DEI initiative. Through the adoption of tools such as the DMAIC approach for non-performance related projects, organizations could use unconventional ways to increase the participation of the workforce, which will harness creative ideas that may not have been identified by the leadership team of the organization.


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 Inclusion Equality and Equity Presentation

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