Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Build a slide presentation (PowerPoint preferred) of the health promotion plan you developed in the first assessment (order _134058_350788.doc ). Then, implement your health promotion plan by conducting a face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your selected community member or group. In addition, collaborate with any participants in setting goals for the session, evaluating session outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions.

Review attached Vila Health Doc. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.

Professional Context

Health education is any combination of learning experiences designed to help community individuals, families, and aggregates improve their health by increasing knowledge or influencing attitudes (WHO, 2018). Education is key to health promotion, disease prevention, and disaster preparedness. The health indicator framework identified in Healthy People 2020 helps motivate action in such areas as health service access, clinical preventive services, environmental quality, injury or violence, maternal, infant and child health, mental health, nutrition, substance abuse, and tobacco use.

Nurses provide accurate evidence-based information and education in various formal and informal settings. They draw upon evidence-based practice to provide health promotion and disease prevention activities to create social and physical environments conducive to improving and maintaining community health. When provided with the tools to be successful, people demonstrate lifestyle changes (self-care) that promote health and help reduce readmissions. They are better able to tolerate stressors, including environmental changes, and enjoy a better quality of life. In times of crisis, a resilient community is a safer community (ODPHP, n.d.; Flanders, 2018).

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to apply teaching and learning concepts to the presentation of a health promotion plan.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 3: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
    • Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.
  • Competency 4: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.
    • Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
    • Present a health promotion plan to an individual or group within a community.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). (n.d.). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from

Flanders, S. A. (2018). Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58.

Note: This is the second part of a two-part assessment. You must complete Assessment 1 before completing this assessment.


This assessment builds upon Assessment 1 where you contacted and secured local individuals or group in your community who were open to a presentation about a health concern and health promotion strategies. Once again, you will assume the role of a community nurse tasked with addressing the specific health concern within your chosen community. This time, you will implement the health promotion plan that you developed in Assessment 1 as a PowerPoint presentation. This presentation must be live and face-toface. You know that you must determine an effective teaching strategy, communicate the plan with professionalism and cultural sensitivity, obtain input on the value of the plan to the individual or group, and revise the plan, as applicable, to improve future educational sessions. To engage your audience, you decide to develop a slide presentation to communicate your plan. A copy of the slide presentation could also be given to the individual or group for future reference.

Remember that your first assessment (Assessment 1) MUST be satisfactorily completed to initiate this assessment (Assessment 4). These assessments meet the three-hour clinical learning experience required in this course

Please review the assessment scoring guide for more information.

To prepare for the assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session simulation. You may also wish to review the health promotion plan presentation assessment and scoring guide to ensure that you understand all requirements.

Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft plan to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.


Complete the following:

  1. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of the health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1, with detailed speaker’s notes that include your evaluation of session outcomes. Speaker notes should reflect what you will actually say when you conduct the face-to-face session.
  2. Implement your health promotion plan by conducting a face-to-face educational session addressing the health concern and health goals of your chosen participants. Collaborate with the participants in setting session goals, evaluating outcomes, and suggesting possible revisions to improve future sessions.

As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Vila Health: Conducting an Effective Educational Session activity. The information gained from completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment as you consider key issues in conducting an effective educational session for a selected audience. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.

Completion of this assessment, and the course, requires that you spend a minimum of three hours face-to-face working with your identified patient who may be a community member or group. Remember that it is a requirement to log your direct clinical hours in the CORE ELMS system.

Please be advised that the Volunteer Experience form requires that you provide the name and contact information for at least one individual with whom you worked as part of your direct clinical activity. Your faculty may reach out to this individual to verify that you have accurately documented and completed your clinical hours.


You may use Microsoft PowerPoint (preferred) or other suitable presentation software to create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.

The number of content slides in your presentation is dictated by nature and scope of your health promotion plan. Be sure to include title and references slides per the following:

  • Title slide:
    • Health promotion plan title.
    • Your name.
    • Date.
    • Course number and title.
  • References (at the end of your presentation).
    • Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to your references.

The following resources will help you create and deliver an effective presentation:


Support your plan with at least three professional or scholarly references, which may include peer-reviewed articles, course study resources, and Healthy People 2020 resources.


The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the assessment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  • Present your health promotion plan to your chosen audience.
    • Tailor the presentation to the needs of your audience.
    • Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards and APA formatting requirements.
  • Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
    • Which aspects of the session would you change?
    • How might those changes improve future outcomes?
  • Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.
    • What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators?
    • 1 Health Promotion Plan Yaima Thaureaux Capella University February,2020 Introduction Health education plays critical roles in the management of chronic infections. Incidence of lifestyle diseases are increasing at alarming levels. 2 Health promotion helps in enhancing awareness among population of interest. Healthy People 2020 is one of the useful blueprint in healthcare. Administration of diagnostic and preventive services are at the heart of improved medical services. The health and wellness of society are essential for improved productivity and the performance of all people, especially workforces. The health indicator framework identified in Healthy People 2020 is useful in the adoption of measures to improve health statuses of the population of interest. 3 One of the most common health concerns worth considering for a health promotion program is high blood pressure, a heart disease particularly common among African American geriatrics. * Introduction Cont.’ The increase in cases of cardiovascular diseases and related complications is critical concern among healthcare providers. Health disparities are major barriers in the attainment of desired treatment outcomes and care quality. Health People 2020 is a blueprint aiming to improve health care delivery and clinical systems. Healthcare providers play critical roles in enhancing the attainment of such goals. 1 The creation of educational plan is crucial in achieving desired patient outcomes and care quality. Health disparities contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases and related complication. The perceived disparities reduce access to medical services and increase the gaps as far as access to affordable and quality healthcare is concerned. 1 Racial minority bear disproportionately limited access to medical services. Such factors affect administration of preventive and diagnostic services to population at increased risk of developing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and so forth. * Overview of Population’s Healthcare Needs Lifestyle diseases have increased among the African American geriatrics. Sedentary lifestyles are associated with health conditions such as obesity. Excessive weight gains is linked to; Increasing incidence of high blood pressure among geriatrics. Mobility changes among the older subset of the population of interest. The management of lifestyle diseases require the implementation of effective health promotion plan. The ever-increasing incidence of heart-diseases, diabetes, are some of the adverse events associated with the adoption of sedentary lifestyles (Flanders, 2018). African American geriatrics are at greater risks of developing non-contagious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and related complications due to the nature of their lifestyles. Most critically, mobility changes mainly affect the older individuals who engage in reduced physical exercises. * Evaluation of Health Policies Educational sessions play significant roles in various ways including; Enhancing awareness on the benefits of dietary and lifestyle modifications. Improving the degree of collaboration among the relevant stakeholders. Addressing the existing disparities in the access to healthcare services (Flanders, 2018). Emphasize on the need for regular aerobic exercises for individuals at increased risk of developing certain health conditions. The proposed educational sessions aim at achieving improved patient outcomes and care quality. For instance, it is imperative to improve awareness on the benefits of engaging regular physical activities, positive lifestyle changes (Giger, 2016). Most significantly, the collaboration among the relevant stakeholders, especial interdisciplinary collaborative approach is critical in the attainment of desired goals and objectives * 1 Evaluation of Health Policies Cont.’ According to the healthy people 2020 plan, health indicators include; Reduction in instances of cardiovascular diseases. Reduced medical services Reduction in the death rates associated with the heart-diseases. The proposed healthcare blueprint provides critical guidelines for the health promotion and prevention of preventable diseases (Ettehad, et al.). The formulation and implementation of education sessions should aim at reducing the incidence of lifestyle diseases as well as providing frameworks for the management of such health conditions. Collaboration and partnership among the relevant stakeholders are some of the enabling factors in the attainment of improved patient outcomes and care quality (Mozaffarian, et al., 2015). Such strategies are crucial in reducing medical expenses and attaining the key objectives of the healthy people 2020 health plan. * 4 Evaluation of Health Policies Cont.’ The adoption of Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Act 2009 (HITECH Act) has implications on care coordination. Health policies have profound impacts in the implementation of clinical interventions. The adoption of EHRs is vital in ensuring seamless processes in the administration of medical services. Health administrators are expected to provide healthcare services that meet the expectations of the targeted population (Berwick & Gaines, 2018). 4 The adoption of the HITECT act of 2009 has had a profound impact on care coordination. 5 The use of technology has dramatically improved the coordination of care services. 4 The application of ethical frameworks in analyzing ethical situations in aligning the provision of care services with the patients’ healthcare needs (Berwick & Gaines, 2018). 5 However, the absence of appropriate use of the EMRs is at the heart of the unintended consequences with the patients’ privacy and safety concerns, especially when administering diagnostic and preventive care within the community settings. 4 Health goals and Collaboration Nurses play pivotal roles in coordination and continuum care in community settings. Professional nurses should provide educational services to patients on preventive care. Nurses align care provision with the healthcare needs of the geriatrics. Nurses play important roles in assessing healthcare needs and preferences of the patients in care coordination. Professional nurses across coordination and continuum care play essential roles in the provision of medical services. The actions of the nurses contribute to the realization of the desired care coordination mainly based on patients’ healthcare needs. Educating the patients on the implications certain behavioral and lifestyles choices is vital in the attaining of the set health goals of managing chronic diseases within the community (Mozaffarian, et al., 2015). 4 Attainment of such goals requires teamwork and collaboration among professional healthcare workers and the locals as well as other relevant stakeholders * Health goals and Collaboration Cont.’ Strategies of improving care coordination include; 4 Make patients and families from across cultural diverse to feel at home. Foster climate of respect among the critical stakeholders in healthcare. Inclusive evaluation of care coordination practices. Understand and appreciate the diverse cultural and racial backgrounds of patients. The provision of education on care coordination should leverage the benefits of the approaches of enhancing cultural competence including using effective communication, making the clients feel appreciated, conducting an inclusive evaluation on the relevance of the care coordination practices (Ettehad, et al.). Being considerate of the cultural difference among the targeted individuals is critical in ensuring the successful implementation of a collaborative approach in culturally diverse settings. * Health goals and Collaboration Cont.’ The goals of the suggested health promotion plan are in tandem with those of healthy people 2020. The goals are achievable within one year of implementation and include the following; Improving the morbidity of the older adults by 20% Reducing incidence of obesity by approximately 30%. Reduce cases of heart-diseases by 25%. Low the healthcare needs in emergency settings by at least 40%. Health promotion plan is critical in streamlining the provision of medical services with the healthcare needs of the population of interest. In this regard, the proposed plan seeks to improve the wellness of the concerned individuals who are at increased risk of developing different health conditions (Mozaffarian, et al., 2015). Some of the aim of the education sessions include reducing incidence of obesity by approximately 30% (within one year of implementation) as well as increasing awareness on the need to engage in regular physical. * 1 Social Justice Principle Integration The primary objectives of the principle of justice include the following; Reducing the costs of healthcare services Eliminating all forms of discriminations in the administration of care and treatment services. Lowering disparities linked to the access to quality and affordable care services. Thus, the concept of justice is pivotal in the provision of adequate care services. The concept of justice is a critical in nursing practice, especially in the management of chronic conditions. Patients and individuals, who are at increased risk of developing lifestyles, tend to experience reduced access to preventive and diagnostic services (Berwick & Gaines, 2018). In this regard, the aim of the principle of justice is to address the current health disparities, reduce discriminative practices in the administration of medical services. * 4 References Berwick, D., & Gaines, E. M. (2018). 4 Potential Harms of HIPAA—Reply. Jama, 320(22), 2379-2380. 1 Ettehad, D., Emdin, A. C., Kiran, A., Anderson, S., Callender, T., Emberson, J., & Rahimi, K. (n.d.). 6 Blood pressure lowering for prevention of cardiovascular disease and death: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 1 The Lancet, 387(10022), 957-967. Flanders, A. S. (2018). 7 Effective patient education: Evidence and common sense. Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58. Giger, N. J. (2016). Transcultural Nursing-E-Book: Assessment and Intervention. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences. 1 Mozaffarian, D., Benjamin, J. E., Go, S. A., Arnett, K. D., Blaha, J. M., Cushman, M., & Huffman, D. M. (2015). Executive summary: 8 heart disease and stroke statistics—2015 update: a report from the American Heart Association. 1 Circulation, 131(4), 434-441. * The health and wellness of society are essential for improved productivity and the performance of all people, especially workforces. The health indicator framework identified in Healthy People 2020 is useful in the adoption of measures to improve health statuses of the population of interest. 3 One of the most common health concerns worth considering for a health promotion program is high blood pressure, a heart disease particularly common among African American geriatrics. * Health disparities contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases and related complication. The perceived disparities reduce access to medical services and increase the gaps as far as access to affordable and quality healthcare is concerned. 1 Racial minority bear disproportionately limited access to medical services. Such factors affect administration of preventive and diagnostic services to population at increased risk of developing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and so forth. * The management of lifestyle diseases require the implementation of effective health promotion plan. The ever-increasing incidence of heart-diseases, diabetes, are some of the adverse events associated with the adoption of sedentary lifestyles (Flanders, 2018). African American geriatrics are at greater risks of developing non-contagious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and related complications due to the nature of their lifestyles. Most critically, mobility changes mainly affect the older individuals who engage in reduced physical exercises. * The proposed educational sessions aim at achieving improved patient outcomes and care quality. For instance, it is imperative to improve awareness on the benefits of engaging regular physical activities, positive lifestyle changes (Giger, 2016). Most significantly, the collaboration among the relevant stakeholders, especial interdisciplinary collaborative approach is critical in the attainment of desired goals and objectives * The proposed healthcare blueprint provides critical guidelines for the health promotion and prevention of preventable diseases (Ettehad, et al.). The formulation and implementation of education sessions should aim at reducing the incidence of lifestyle diseases as well as providing frameworks for the management of such health conditions. Collaboration and partnership among the relevant stakeholders are some of the enabling factors in the attainment of improved patient outcomes and care quality (Mozaffarian, et al., 2015). Such strategies are crucial in reducing medical expenses and attaining the key objectives of the healthy people 2020 health plan. 4 * The adoption of the HITECT act of 2009 has had a profound impact on care coordination. 5 The use of technology has dramatically improved the coordination of care services. 4 The application of ethical frameworks in analyzing ethical situations in aligning the provision of care services with the patients’ healthcare needs (Berwick & Gaines, 2018). 5 However, the absence of appropriate use of the EMRs is at the heart of the unintended consequences with the patients’ privacy and safety concerns, especially when administering diagnostic and preventive care within the community settings. 4 * Professional nurses across coordination and continuum care play essential roles in the provision of medical services. The actions of the nurses contribute to the realization of the desired care coordination mainly based on patients’ healthcare needs. Educating the patients on the implications certain behavioral and lifestyles choices is vital in the attaining of the set health goals of managing chronic diseases within the community (Mozaffarian, et al., 2015). 4 Attainment of such goals requires teamwork and collaboration among professional healthcare workers and the locals as well as other relevant stakeholders * The provision of education on care coordination should leverage the benefits of the approaches of enhancing cultural competence including using effective communication, making the clients feel appreciated, conducting an inclusive evaluation on the relevance of the care coordination practices (Ettehad, et al.). Being considerate of the cultural difference among the targeted individuals is critical in ensuring the successful implementation of a collaborative approach in culturally diverse settings. * Health promotion plan is critical in streamlining the provision of medical services with the healthcare needs of the population of interest. In this regard, the proposed plan seeks to improve the wellness of the concerned individuals who are at increased risk of developing different health conditions (Mozaffarian, et al., 2015). Some of the aim of the education sessions include reducing incidence of obesity by approximately 30% (within one year of implementation) as well as increasing awareness on the need to engage in regular physical. * The concept of justice is a critical in nursing practice, especially in the management of chronic conditions. Patients and individuals, who are at increased risk of developing lifestyles, tend to experience reduced access to preventive and diagnostic services (Berwick & Gaines, 2018). In this regard, the aim of the principle of justice is to address the current health disparities, reduce discriminative practices in the administration of medical services. * * 

      Citations (8/8)

      1. 1 Another student’s paper
      2. 2 Another student’s paper
      3. 3 Another student’s paper
      4. 4 Another student’s paper
      5. 5 Another student’s paper
      6. 6
      7. 7 Another student’s paper
      8. 8

      Matched Text

      Suspected Entry: 68% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Health Promotion Plan Yaima Thaureaux Source – Another student’s paper Health Promotion Plan Suspected Entry: 70% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The creation of educational plan is crucial in achieving desired patient outcomes and care quality Source – Another student’s paper Creation of educational plan help in promoting the desired treatment outcomes and care quality Suspected Entry: 65% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Racial minority bear disproportionately limited access to medical services Source – Another student’s paper People of colours bear disproportionately limited access to affordable and quality medical services Suspected Entry: 72% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Evaluation of Health Policies Cont.’ According to the healthy people 2020 plan, health indicators include Source – Another student’s paper Health Policies Evaluation Cont.’ Some of the leading health indicators include Suspected Entry: 69% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Social Justice Principle Integration The primary objectives of the principle of justice include the following Source – Another student’s paper Integration of Social Justice Principle The principle of social justice seeks to address the following Suspected Entry: 63% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Reducing the costs of healthcare services Eliminating all forms of discriminations in the administration of care and treatment services Source – Another student’s paper Eliminating all forms of discriminations in the provision of care services Suspected Entry: 72% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Lowering disparities linked to the access to quality and affordable care services Source – Another student’s paper Lowering disparities associated with the access to quality care and treatment services Suspected Entry: 99% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Ettehad, D., Emdin, A Source – Another student’s paper Ettehad, D., Emdin, A Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt C., Kiran, A., Anderson, S., Callender, T., Emberson, J., & Rahimi, K Source – Another student’s paper C., Kiran, A., Anderson, S., Callender, T., Emberson, J., & Rahimi, K Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The Lancet, 387(10022), 957-967 Source – Another student’s paper The Lancet, 387(10022), 957-967 Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Mozaffarian, D., Benjamin, J Source – Another student’s paper Mozaffarian, D., Benjamin, J Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt E., Go, S Source – Another student’s paper E., Go, S Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt A., Arnett, K Source – Another student’s paper A., Arnett, K Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt D., Blaha, J Source – Another student’s paper D., Blaha, J Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt M., Cushman, M., & Huffman, D Source – Another student’s paper M., Cushman, M., & Huffman, D Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Circulation, 131(4), 434-441 Source – Another student’s paper Circulation, 131(4), 434-441 Suspected Entry: 65% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Racial minority bear disproportionately limited access to medical services Source – Another student’s paper People of colours bear disproportionately limited access to affordable and quality medical services Suspected Entry: 64% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Health promotion helps in enhancing awareness among population of interest Source – Another student’s paper Therefore, the focus of the health promotion plan includes enhancing awareness among the targeted population Suspected Entry: 88% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt One of the most common health concerns worth considering for a health promotion program is high blood pressure, a heart disease particularly common among African American geriatrics Source – Another student’s paper One of the most common health concerns worth considering for a health promotion program is high blood pressure, a heart disease particularly common among African American geriatrics (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010) Suspected Entry: 88% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt One of the most common health concerns worth considering for a health promotion program is high blood pressure, a heart disease particularly common among African American geriatrics Source – Another student’s paper One of the most common health concerns worth considering for a health promotion program is high blood pressure, a heart disease particularly common among African American geriatrics (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010) Suspected Entry: 75% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Evaluation of Health Policies Cont.’ The adoption of Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Act 2009 (HITECH Act) has implications on care coordination Source – Another student’s paper Impacts of Policy Provisions Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Act 2009 (HITECH Act) has implications on care coordination Suspected Entry: 80% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The adoption of the HITECT act of 2009 has had a profound impact on care coordination Source – Another student’s paper The implementation of the HITECT act of 2009 has had a profound impact on care coordination in nursing homes Suspected Entry: 89% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The application of ethical frameworks in analyzing ethical situations in aligning the provision of care services with the patients’ healthcare needs (Berwick & Gaines, 2018) Source – Another student’s paper The application of ethical frameworks in analyzing ethical situations in aligning the provision of care services with the patients’ healthcare needs Suspected Entry: 86% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Health goals and Collaboration Nurses play pivotal roles in coordination and continuum care in community settings Source – Another student’s paper Nurses play pivotal roles in coordination and continuum care in community settings Suspected Entry: 73% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Professional nurses should provide educational services to patients on preventive care Source – Another student’s paper Professional nurses should provide educational services to patients on available healthcare options Suspected Entry: 82% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Nurses align care provision with the healthcare needs of the geriatrics Source – Another student’s paper Nurses align care provision with the healthcare needs of individual patients Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Nurses play important roles in assessing healthcare needs and preferences of the patients in care coordination Source – Another student’s paper Nurses play important roles in assessing healthcare needs and preferences of the patients in care coordination Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Professional nurses across coordination and continuum care play essential roles in the provision of medical services Source – Another student’s paper Professional nurses across coordination and continuum care play essential roles in the provision of medical services Suspected Entry: 67% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The actions of the nurses contribute to the realization of the desired care coordination mainly based on patients’ healthcare needs Source – Another student’s paper The actions of the nurses contribute to the realization of the desired efficiency in care coordination mainly centred on patients ’needs and choices Suspected Entry: 77% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Attainment of such goals requires teamwork and collaboration among professional healthcare workers and the locals as well as other relevant stakeholders * Source – Another student’s paper Attainment of such goals requires teamwork and collaboration among professional healthcare workers Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Make patients and families from across cultural diverse to feel at home Source – Another student’s paper Make patients and families from across cultural diverse to feel at home Suspected Entry: 99% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Foster climate of respect among the critical stakeholders in healthcare Source – Another student’s paper Foster climate of respect among the critical stakeholders in healthcare Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Inclusive evaluation of care coordination practices Source – Another student’s paper Inclusive evaluation of care coordination practices Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Understand and appreciate the diverse cultural and racial backgrounds of patients Source – Another student’s paper Understand and appreciate the diverse cultural and racial backgrounds of patients Suspected Entry: 87% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The provision of education on care coordination should leverage the benefits of the approaches of enhancing cultural competence including using effective communication, making the clients feel appreciated, conducting an inclusive evaluation on the relevance of the care coordination practices (Ettehad, et al.) Source – Another student’s paper The provision of education on care coordination should leverage the benefits of the approaches of enhancing cultural competence including using effective communication, making the clients feel appreciated, conducting an inclusive evaluation on the relevance of the care coordination practices (Gittell, Beswick, Goldmann, & Wallack, 2015) Suspected Entry: 85% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Being considerate of the cultural difference among the targeted individuals is critical in ensuring the successful implementation of a collaborative approach in culturally diverse settings Source – Another student’s paper Being considerate of the cultural difference among the patients and their primary caregivers is critical in ensuring the successful implementation of a collaborative approach in culturally diverse settings Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt References Berwick, D., & Gaines, E Source – Another student’s paper References Berwick, D., & Gaines, E Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Potential Harms of HIPAA—Reply Source – Another student’s paper Potential Harms of HIPAA—Reply Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Jama, 320(22), 2379-2380 Source – Another student’s paper Jama, 320(22), 2379-2380 Suspected Entry: 80% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt * The adoption of the HITECT act of 2009 has had a profound impact on care coordination Source – Another student’s paper The implementation of the HITECT act of 2009 has had a profound impact on care coordination in nursing homes Suspected Entry: 89% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The application of ethical frameworks in analyzing ethical situations in aligning the provision of care services with the patients’ healthcare needs (Berwick & Gaines, 2018) Source – Another student’s paper The application of ethical frameworks in analyzing ethical situations in aligning the provision of care services with the patients’ healthcare needs Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt * Professional nurses across coordination and continuum care play essential roles in the provision of medical services Source – Another student’s paper Professional nurses across coordination and continuum care play essential roles in the provision of medical services Suspected Entry: 67% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The actions of the nurses contribute to the realization of the desired care coordination mainly based on patients’ healthcare needs Source – Another student’s paper The actions of the nurses contribute to the realization of the desired efficiency in care coordination mainly centred on patients ’needs and choices Suspected Entry: 74% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Attainment of such goals requires teamwork and collaboration among professional healthcare workers and the locals as well as other relevant stakeholders * The provision of education on care coordination should leverage the benefits of the approaches of enhancing cultural competence including using effective communication, making the clients feel appreciated, conducting an inclusive evaluation on the relevance of the care coordination practices (Ettehad, et al.) Source – Another student’s paper The provision of education on care coordination should leverage the benefits of the approaches of enhancing cultural competence including using effective communication, making the clients feel appreciated, conducting an inclusive evaluation on the relevance of the care coordination practices (Gittell, Beswick, Goldmann, & Wallack, 2015) Suspected Entry: 85% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Being considerate of the cultural difference among the targeted individuals is critical in ensuring the successful implementation of a collaborative approach in culturally diverse settings Source – Another student’s paper Being considerate of the cultural difference among the patients and their primary caregivers is critical in ensuring the successful implementation of a collaborative approach in culturally diverse settings Suspected Entry: 74% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The use of technology has dramatically improved the coordination of care services Source – Another student’s paper Secondly, the use of technology has dramatically improved the coordination of care services (Nguyen, et al., 2019) Suspected Entry: 77% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt However, the absence of appropriate use of the EMRs is at the heart of the unintended consequences with the patients’ privacy and safety concerns, especially when administering diagnostic and preventive care within the community settings Source – Another student’s paper However, the absence of appropriate use of the EMRs is at the heart of the unintended consequences with the patients’ privacy and safety concerns Suspected Entry: 74% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt The use of technology has dramatically improved the coordination of care services Source – Another student’s paper Secondly, the use of technology has dramatically improved the coordination of care services (Nguyen, et al., 2019) Suspected Entry: 77% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt However, the absence of appropriate use of the EMRs is at the heart of the unintended consequences with the patients’ privacy and safety concerns, especially when administering diagnostic and preventive care within the community settings Source – Another student’s paper However, the absence of appropriate use of the EMRs is at the heart of the unintended consequences with the patients’ privacy and safety concerns Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Blood pressure lowering for prevention of cardiovascular disease and death Source – Blood pressure lowering for prevention of cardiovascular disease and death Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt a systematic review and meta-analysis Source – a systematic review and meta-analysis Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Effective patient education Source – Another student’s paper Effective patient education Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Evidence and common sense Source – Another student’s paper Evidence and common sense Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58 Source – Another student’s paper Medsurg Nursing, 27(1), 55–58 Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt heart disease and stroke statistics—2015 update Source – Heart disease and stroke statistics—2015 update Suspected Entry: 100% match Uploaded – NURS-FPX4060_ThaureauxYaima_Assessment4-1.ppt a report from the American Heart Association Source – a report from the American Heart Association

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