Health Belief Systems In Health Care Practices.

 Health Belief Systems In Health Care Practices.

Read chapter 4 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation.  Once done answer the following questions;

1.  Write a three paragraph essay about a specific health system that is common to a population;

a.  Include the origins of health beliefs.

b.  Discuss the health implications of the health beliefs (e.g. are they potentially harmful)

c. How will you integrate the health beliefs into your nursing care?

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in a word document, Arial 12 font APA format attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 4 discussion questions” and in Turnitin to verify originality.  You must cite at least two evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook) and post two replies to any of your peer’s assignments sustained with the proper references.

Cultural Belief Systems #1

Cultural meanings and cultural belief systems develop from the shared experiences of a social group and are expressed symbolically.


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Cultural Belief Systems #2


The set of metaphoric explanations used by a group of people to explain life’s events and to offer solutions to life’s mysteries


Permeates every aspect of life within the culture


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Cultural Belief Systems #3


Worldview (paradigm) includes the assumptions, premises, and linkages that hold together a prevailing interpretation of reality; typically slow to change.


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Question #1

Is the following statement true or false?


All clients refer to illness and disease in the same context.


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Answer to Question #1


Rationale: Not all clients relate to health and illness in the same context. A client’s worldview influences his or her cultural belief system.

These are often the reasons why nurses may encounter challenges when communicating with those who have a different worldview than theirs.


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Health Belief Systems #1

Health and illness worldviews are influenced by a person’s attitudes, beliefs, and practices.

This concept is his or her health belief system.


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Health Belief Systems #2

The three major health belief systems are:





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Health Belief Systems #3

In the magico-religious paradigm:

The world is an arena in which supernatural forces dominate.

The fate of the world and those in it depends on the actions of God, or the Gods, or other supernatural forces for good or evil.

The cause of health or illness is mystical.

Examples: Voodoo, Christian Scientists


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Health Belief Systems #4

In the scientific paradigm (biomedical model):

Life is controlled by a series of physical and biochemical processes, which can be studied and manipulated by humans.

Determinism (cause and effect for natural phenomena).

Mechanism (control life processes through mechanical, genetic and engineered processes).

Reductionism (all life reduced to smaller parts).

Objective materialism (what is real can be observed/measured).

Example: most Western cultures


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Health Belief Systems #5

In the holistic paradigm:

The forces of nature itself must be kept in natural balance or harmony.

Everything in the universe has a place and a role to perform.

Disturbing natural laws create imbalance, chaos, and disease.

Examples: yin/yang, hot/cold


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Question #2

Is the following statement true or false?


Asians and Native American Indians should be assessed for holistic health beliefs.



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Answer to Question #2



Rationale: The holistic paradigm has existed for centuries in many parts of the world, particularly in Native American Indian cultures and Asian cultures.




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Health and Illness Behaviors #1

Health behavior (prevention/early detection)


Illness behavior (illness/remedy)


Sick role behavior (illness/coping)





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Health and Illness Behaviors #2

Influencing factors:

One’s beliefs

Personal factors

Cues to action





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Types of Healing Systems #1

The term healing system refers to the sciences, arts, and techniques of restoring and preserving health that are used by any cultural group.


Example: utilizing health care practitioners along with healers, religious figures, etc.



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Types of Healing Systems #2


Professional care systems

Folk healing system

Complementary, Integrative, and Alternative Health Systems (CIH)



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Types of Healing Systems #3

Complementary Health Approaches/CIH:

1. Alternative medical systems

2. Natural products

3. Mind and body practices

4. Manipulative and body-based methods

5. Energy therapies


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Question #3

What is the focus of allopathic or biomedicine?

Replacing conventional medicine

Adding to conventional medicine

Killing bacteria and suppressing symptoms

Healing with naturally occurring substances






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Answer to Question #3

C. Killing bacteria and suppressing symptoms


Rationale: Allopathic medicine is the practice most physicians and nurses are educated in. Life is controlled by a series of physical and biochemical processes that can be studied and manipulated by humans through allopathic medicine or professional care systems.


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The Influence Of Cultural And Health Belief Systems In Health Care Practices.

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