Facilitate dissemination


Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by offering additional ideas to overcome the barriers to strategies suggested by your colleagues and/or by offering additional ideas to facilitate dissemination. Use 3 APA style citations for each response ( 2 responds needed )


Post 1 )

Even though there has been a huge movement in the use of evidence-based research, the research does not extend to clinical practices quickly. Research that would benefit patient outcomes may take years to implement into clinical practice (Melnyk, 2012). When it does penetrate clinical practices, there are several ways to disseminate the information. One way is the poster presentation. The presenter would stand next to the poster to allow for the audience to read it and would be available for any questions in regards to the evidence-based practice. The presenter would have handouts for the audience to take with them since the poster may not include all the information needed (Melnyk, 2018 p559). This is also a way for the presenter to support the evidence and show their excitement for the new practice being put in place.

Another way to disseminate the evidence-based information is through nurse team meetings. This one is facilitated at the hospital I work at. It is a way to reach different groups of people at once. This information is usually done during shift change. Once the information is presented by the charge nurse or nurse manager, there is a sign off sheet that you acknowledge and understand the change that is taking place. After a few weeks, the team leaders will come around and ask how the new practice is working and may even ask you to show them how you implemented the change.

There are also dissemination strategies that I would be least inclined to use and that would be through email. Emails can become overwhelming at work. The dissemination of the evidence-based information could be looked over or even deleted before even being read. Even though you can reach many people at once, this is not an effective way to promote evidence-based changes. Another dissemination strategy that I would not use is brochures. Brochures are just handouts without the proper support to answer questions. Many brochures would end up in bags or the garbage and then the information in the brochure would not be used to promote best practices for the patients.

When using the dissemination strategies, there may be barriers encountered. One of those barriers is the behavior of nurses who do not think there needs to be a change. For example, nurses who believe that the way things are done work just fine and do not want change. Another barrier is not enough education on EBP. Staff may not understand EBP or how to implement it. There are ways to overcome these barriers. One of the ways to break these barriers is through research and on the job learning. This should be the culture of the facility. Supporting this type of culture allows for nurses to use EBP and incorporate it into their daily practices as nurses. This becomes natural for them and patients benefit because they are receiving the best evidence-based practices (Mick,2017).


Melnyk, B. M. (2012). Achieving a high-reliability organization through implementation of the ARCC model for systemwide sustainability of evidence-based practice. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 36(2), 127–135. doi:10.1097/NAQ.0b013e318249fb6a

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Mick, J. (2017). Funneling evidence into practice. Nursing Management, 48(7), 27–34. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1097/01.NUMA.0000520719.70926.79


Post 2 )

The two dissemination strategies I would be most inclined to disseminate effective evidence-based practices are posters and publication in peer-reviewed articles. Posters are helpful because it enforces active learning. The viewer can learn quickly about a practice (Rowe & Ilic, 2009). It benefits guests and healthcare workers because posters can be put just about anywhere. It can provide healthcare workers a quick and easy refresh on current evidence-based practices. Having posters placed in restroom stalls have been shown to increase knowledge and improve work productivity and quality (Corkill, 2012). The most popular dissemination method amongst researchers is through academic journals (Brownson et al., 2018). By having articles peer-reviewed, the article went through various regulations and was examined by several experts before being published. Being peer-reviewed, it eliminates unsound studies, publication bias, and inflated results. Many academic journals are more accessible because they are available online and can reach more readers (Coomarasamy et al., 2001).

A barrier to poster’s is it requires active learning. The viewer must actively read and analyze the information being provided. Some posters are hard to read because of the amount of content or lack of content because of the number of visual aids. A way to overcome this barrier is to have a small presentation with the poster being present. This is beneficial for both the creator and the viewer because questions can be asked and answered (Rowe & Ilic, 2009). A barrier to peer-reviewed articles is a lack of access. Many academic journals require a membership or subscription to access and read the full-text articles. A way to overcome not having access to scholarly journals is asking if your employer has access or if they would approve to pay for you and your employees to have access. Another barrier to peer-reviewed articles is a lack of time to read the large amount of information provided in academic journals. A way to overcome this is to read the abstract of an article and see if it is what you are interested in before reading the full text (Brownson et al., 2018).

The dissemination strategy I would be least inclined to use to disseminate effective evidence-based practices is podium presentation at a national level. This is because not all evidence-based practices are nationally approved or accepted. It isn’t easy to get an entire nation to come together and agree on a specific practice. How would one facilitate a presentation at a national level? If information is being presented over a presentation online, there is the potential the information can be misinterpreted. Audiences typically have a short attention span, and not all the information is presented or acknowledged. Scientific information requires a different method than a podium presentation, especially at a national level (Bressler et al., 2004).

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