Assistance With Information On Philosopher – Martin Heidegger

Assistance With Information On Philosopher – Martin Heidegger

Assistance With Information On Philosopher – Martin Heidegger

Concept analysis paper is expected to be 12-15 pages in length and never more than 20 pages (not including title page, tables, figures, references, and appendix). Please note that student papers do not require author notes, abstracts, or keywords.



Cultural Llogic in nursing for Early Identification of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children of African Heritage: A Concept Analysis a prerequisite for early identification of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children of African heritage.

Per the assignment guidelines and APA guidelines, student papers do not require author notes, abstracts, or keywords.


The Abstract section and keywords are not required.


Aim: This study aim to explore and explain the concept of Cultural logic in nursing while dealing with ADHD in Children of African heritage

Background and Method

ADHD is a psychiatric disorder with significant public health implications because it is common and has significant adverse effects on affected children, and also because it is potentially treatable (National Institutes of Health, 1998). Estimates of prevalence vary by nation, with the greatest rates seen in epidemiological research done in the United States (Essau et al. 1999; Magnusson et al. 1999; Pineda et al. 2001; Schill and Schwab-Stone 2000; Wang et al. 1993). Kleinman’s patient explanatory models (PEMS) was used as theoretical underpinning for the study. This approach was created in the mid-1970s as a way to investigate patients’ knowledge of their disease, to compare physicians’ and patients’ views, and to compare across cultures and ethnic groups (Good, 1986).

Results: Culture logic has an impact on how both patients and nurses perceives health, as well as their views on sickness and its causes. It is essential for nurses to incorporate cultural demands and beliefs into their nursing practice as this will help save lives and reduce wrong diagnoses and mortality. Cultural diversity is the antecedent of cultural logic. Nurses must understand and accept the fact that people are brought us differently and what works for one person might not work for another. As a result, they need to broaden their cultural understanding and perception.

Conclusion: Untangling the antecedents, attributes and outcomes of cultural logic in the medical sector is important to future research efforts. Cultural diversity in the healthcare system throughout the world has emphasized the need for nurses to improve their cultural understanding.

Keywords: concept analysis, nurses, cultural logic



Cultural Logic for Early Identification of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children of African Heritage: A Concept Analysis

Introduction and The “Introduction” section is missing. For the Introduction section, please note that there should be no “Introduction” header.



The terms “cultural logic” and “cultural belief” are interchangeable. It is people’s opinions or ethnic group’s common systems of thinking, meaning, and morality, as reflected in norms, conventions, collective knowledge, symbols, myths, and rituals, as well as its basic impact on meanings and values (Abbott et al, 2013).  Cultural logic is the process of people adopting practically identical assumptions to understand one other’s behavior, i.e. hypothesizing about each other’s motivations and intents (Enfield, 2000). People’s perceptions and usage of information and services are influenced by a range of personal and cultural ideas (Mcsweeney, et al 1997).

Likewise, Valentino (2021) distinguished logics from other cultural constructs such as “frames” and “schemas” by defining them as “shared, internalized, cognitive structures that are inherently evaluative in character”. Patients, families, and communities benefit from culture as a source of values and comfort. Culture can be viewed as a thread that runs through a person’s life, influencing their choices, opinions, and way of life. It is present in all aspects of a person’s life and weaves itself into the development of their self-concept, sexuality, and spirituality. It has an impact on long-term eating patterns as well as coping methods for death and dying. Culture has an impact on how a person communicates their sorrow (Open Resources for Nursing, year of publication?). People’s shared habits and patterns of life in daily activities, as well as their common interest in entertainment, sports, news, and even advertising, make up culture. Culture is a broad term that encompasses nearly everything that impacts a person’s mental processes and behaviors (see iedunote, 2020). Do you want to focus on “culture” or “cultural logic”? Per the title of this paper, you should focus on “cultural logic”.

Kleinman’s Ppatient Eexplanatory Mmodels (PEMS) This is a Level 2 heading: should be left aligned, bolded, and use title case.

This section is not required. If you want to keep this section, please focus on the concept analysis “Cultural Logic”. For example, what are the relationships between PEMS and Cultural Logic? As this is a concept analysis paper, please focus on the concept “ Cultural Logic”.

The impact of cultural logic/beliefs in preventing early detection of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children of African origin is investigated using Kleinman’s patient explanatory models (PEMS). Kleinman et al (1978) coined the phrase “explanatory model,” which they characterized as “the intricate, culturally driven process of making sense of one’s disease, ascribing meanings to symptoms and expressing appropriate treatment and associated result expectations”. Explanatory models, to put it another way, are culturally driven ideas that people have about misfortune, pain, disease, and health. Sociocultural expectations of the sick role, individual sickness behavior, and help-seeking are molded by and shape these models. Explanatory models, according to research, are not static entities or single constructions, but rather fluid, multilayered, and complicated constructs that vary in response to a variety of circumstances such as the kind of inquiry, the clinician-patient interaction, mood, and migratory history (Ghane, 2010 & Dinos, S., et al. 2017; Kirmayer, 2009; Ghane, 2010 and Dinos, S., et al 2017). For in-text citations, please follow APA guidelines.

More specifically, a culturally sensitive therapeutic strategy focused on the investigation of explanatory models during evaluation and therapy can be a useful method to cope with the complexities of patients’ and families’ demands (Dinos, S., Ascoli, M., Owiti, J., & Bhui, K. 2017). Health disparities are variations in health caused by economic, environmental, and social disadvantages that cause groups of individuals to face larger health challenges. By distributing resources based on need, health equality aims to minimize and finally eradicate health inequalities. In addition, cultural awareness, diversity, and inclusion in nursing work to address healthcare disparities that result in poor health outcomes for disadvantaged racial and ethnic groups (Deering, 2021).

Explanatory models provide in a better understanding of gender and cultural differences in help-seeking habits and treatment views among African-American and Caucasian ADHD parents (see Bussing, Regina & Gary, Faye & Mills, Terry & Garvan, Cynthia, 2003). The view of ADHD C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\Capture.jpgsymptoms as a transitory adjustment event may help parents decide that no professional assistance is necessary (Bussing &and Gary 2001).


Kleinman suggests that a patient can seek healthcare advice from

dierent sources

Source: Ugwu, N. U., & de Kok, B. (2015)

As originally stated, a patient can seek healthcare advice from a variety of sources, including individuals, family, social nexus, and community. However, each of these sources may have different cultural ideas about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), particularly among African-American youth. Explanatory models are frequently unorganized and not deliberately formed (Luyas, 1991; McSweeney, 1993). They are affected by social context, ethnicity, subjective interpretation of prior experiences, and tacit knowledge, and they tend to change with time.

Furthermore, the EMS approach stresses comprehending a disease from the standpoint of a single person. Disease representations, a related construct, incorporate individual conceptualizations as well, although they are nearly entirely focused on the clients’ views about their illness (Cohen, et al., 1994). Exploring a client’s EMS can lead to culturally relevant treatment approaches that take into account their lifestyles, health problems, and priorities in the context of their everyday lives. Culturally relevant treatment approaches should, in theory, enhance health outcomes, but additional study is needed (Mcsweeney, J., Allan, J., & Mayo, K, 1997).


The “Purpose” section is missing.

Method Level 1 headings should be centered, bolded, and use title case.

Choosing a concept, determining the purpose of analysis, identifying all uses of the concept, defining attributes, identifying a model case, identifying borderline, related, and contrary cases, identifying antecedents and consequences, and defining empirical referents were all steps in Walker and Avant’s (2018) concept analysis process which was used for this paper.

Data Ssources

Data was sourced from books, nursing journals and articles from libraries and the internet such as journal of nurses academic society, journal of the national medical association, British journal of psychiatry, international archives of nursing and health care, journal of nursing scholarship and were systematically searched using the keywords: cultural logic, culture, cultural logic and belief in nursing.

What were the inclusion criteria?

Were databases (search engine) used?

Significance of the concept

This section should be moved to the “Introduction” section.

A formal linguistic activity for determining specific defining qualities is concept analysis. Concept analysis’ main goal is to clarify confusing terms in a theory and offer a precise operational definition that matches the theory’s theoretical foundation (Walker, 1983). It is a helpful tool for nurses.  Concepts serve as the foundation for theoretical growth. The concept analysis will give a clear description of the selected idea, as well as its uses, related concepts, defining qualities, and applications to the chosen field (Walker &Avant, 1995). Thus, to limit the use of vague and undefined concepts, it is important to analyze and interpret concepts that are considered to be essential to a subject (AnAaker, & Elf, 2014).Without a connection to an existing problem, linkage to progress in the related science will be lacking. The researcher’s use of ideas is affected by the fact that conceptions vary with the periods we live in. As a result, it is critical to analyze and interpret ideas that are deemed fundamental to a topic in order to minimize the usage of imprecise and unclear notions (AnAaker, & Elf, 2014). There will be no relation to development in the associated science if there is no connection to an existing problem. Nursing seeks to understand how people’s cultural logic of health and illness influences their experiences and actions, but there is little information in the literature about how to elicit cultural logic or incorporate it into nursing practice (Jackson, 1993; Porter & Villarreul, 1993; Wuest, 1993, as cited in Mcsweeney, et al.). Nurses and other members of the health-care are influenced by their own cultural values. For example, a commonly held belief in American health care is that the importance of timeliness; medications are administered at specifically scheduled times, and appearing for appointments on time is taken into account crucial. Nurses must increase their awareness of complex cultural diversity and incorporate it within their practice to achieve favorable results while working with patients from a variety of ethnic backgrounds (Greenwood, 1996). Culture is a collection of established ideas held by a certain group of people that have been passed down from generation to generation and are not shared by other groups or individuals. These values, ideas, and perceptions are exclusive to the culture. Culture, according to Matsumoto (2007), “gives meaning to social events, producing social roles and normative behaviors”; in other words, it influences our perceptions of the social and natural worlds. For example, Offe (2001) claims that “the future” is not preset in Western cultures, but “certain African communities” are characterized by “the concept of a predetermined future not controlled by people.” To offer care that is personalized for the client and suited to the client’s requirements, nurses must incorporate cultural demands and beliefs into their nursing practice (, 2020).

More so, asubculture may be a subset of a bigger culture, generally defined by a person’s employment, hobbies, interests, or place of origin. People who belong to a subculture may identify with certain features of their broader “parent” culture, but not all. Members of the subculture have views and similarities that distinguish them apart from the wider society, and these ideas and commonalities do not necessarily adhere to those of the larger culture (Open Resources for Nursing). When establishing a treatment plan, culture care emphasizes taking into account a patient’s beliefs and background.

Kleinman (1980) demonstrated that people’s culturally-based explanations of the processes and suitable treatments for their illnesses—their explanatory models—can be used to elicit culturally-based knowledge and beliefs about health and sickness (EMS). As a result, diagnosing and treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in African-American youngsters can be challenging.


Uses of the Concept

The “Uses of the Concept” section is missing.

Defining attributes of cultural logic This is a Level 2 heading: should be left aligned, bolded, and use title case.

Is the concept analysis for “Culture” or “Cultural Logic”? Please focus on the concept analysis “Cultural Logic”.

The foundations of one’s culture are said to be the driving force behind how people learn to act (Harris, Moran & Moran, 2004). The defining features of an idea are the characteristics that describe it (Walker & Avant, 1988). Those who claim that cultural systems have their own logic have a problem in defining what that logic is, how it works, and how it constrains cognition and behavior (Swidler, 2001). Consequently, (2021) reveals that culture includes five fundamental features; It is taught, shared, symbol-based, integrated, and dynamic. Additionally, these basic characteristics can be found in all civilizations:

· Culture is something that can be learnt. Families, peers, institutions, and the media are all places where we learn about culture. Enculturation is the process of learning a culture.

· Culture is a shared experience. We can act in socially accepted ways and predict how others will respond because we share culture with other members of our community.

• Symbols are the foundation of culture. A symbol is a representation of something else. Symbols differ from culture to culture and are arbitrary.

• The cultures are intertwined. All facets of a culture are interconnected, and in order to really comprehend it, one must learn about all of its components, not just a few.

• Culture is ever-changing. All civilizations evolve; otherwise, they would struggle to adjust to changing circumstances. Due to the fact that cultures are intertwined, if one component of the system changes, the entire system is likely to alter as well.

Likewise, According to Sewell (1999), culture is inherently a system in the analytic sense of semiotic codes whose meanings are intertwined. Any concrete culture, on the other hand, is made up of a variety of codes, some of which are inconsistent, incomplete, or contradictory. Ten cultural traits were discovered by Colbert, Johnson, and Wales (2010) to define any group of people: (1) a feeling of self or space; (2) communication and language; (3) clothes and appearance; (4) food and eating habits; (5) time and time consciousness, whether defined by time, age, or status; (6) relationships; (7) cultural values and standards; (8) beliefs and attitudes; (9)  habits and practices, which are defined by how people organize and process information; and (10) mental processing and learning.

Consequently, we may derive the following cultural traits from multiple definitions: learned behavior; culture is abstract; culture includes attitudes, values, and knowledge; culture also includes material objects; culture is shared by society members; culture is super-organic; culture is pervasive; culture is a way of life; culture is idealistic; culture is transmitted among society members; culture is constantly changing; language is the chief vehicle of culture; culture is integrated; culture is dynamic; culture is transmissive; culture varies; culture is pervasive; culture is pervasive; culture is pervasive; culture is ??? ( see iedunote, 2020).


ModelODEL CaseASE This is a Level 2 heading: should be left aligned, bolded, and use title case.


A model case is defined as “a real world’ example of the concept’s application that incorporates all of the concept’s key features.” (Walker & Avant, 1995, p. 42). Mrs. Chima, for example, is an African American mother of two children (a boy and a girl) who, unaware to her, are struggling from ADHD. She came to see a friend who had recently been admitted to the hospital. She opted to drop her kids off at the hospital daycare while seeing her friend so she wouldn’t be distracted by her “playful” kids during her visit. While her children were in day care, a registered nurse who is experienced in detecting ADHD signs observed the children’s behavior. She saw some symptoms of ADHD and decided to speak with Mrs. Chima briefly, asking whether she had seen any behavioral characteristics in her children. Mrs. Chima stated unequivocally that she saw nothing wrong since she understands that children have a short attention span and are expected to be reckless and highly fun. Her daughter is a “tomboy,” while her kid is a mix of her spouse and his grandparents, she claimed. She went on to say that our children are made in the image of the Lord, and as such, they are lovely and magnificent creations of Christ Jesus.

She argues that it is completely natural since she feels that youngsters are not supposed to be overly concentrated on something because they could lose themselves in it. This is an evidence of how cultural influences may impact a parent’s ability to recognize ADHD signs in a child early. Mrs. Chima’s decision may have been influenced by cultural factors such as relationship (comparing the children’s behavior to that of her husband and grandfather); dress and appearance (revealing that her daughter’s symptoms are simply “tomboy” symptoms rather than ADHD); and age (revealing that children in this age range are generally playful). As a result, there’s no need to be concerned; value and knowledge (explaining that she knows the youngster and that they might not be too attentive since they could get lost in their thoughts) and religious belief/symbol (revealing that her kids are in Jesus Christ image, hence nothing is wrong).

Additional Cases This is a Level 2 heading: should be left aligned, bolded, and use title case.


The opposite example demonstrates no cultural logic or belief. The nurse approached Mrs. Chima and asked her a few questions about the characteristics she saw in the children who showed indications of ADHD. Mrs. Chima was prodded into action by the nurse, she inquired what the next course of action was and if tests could be done right immediately. She had no cultural belief or contribution to influence her otherwise.

Contrary Case

The “Contrary Case” section is missing.



Borderline Case


The “Borderline Case” section is missing.



Related Case

The “Related Case” section is missing.




Antecedents and Consequences

Antecedents are occurrences that must occur prior to the concept’s existence (Walker & and Avant, 2005). A literature study identifies cultural heterogeneity as one important antecedent for cultural logic/belief. The growing cultural diversity in the healthcare system throughout the world has emphasized the need for nurses to improve their cultural understanding. Nurses have a responsibility to understand how culture affects a patient’s health. Not only may a patient’s cultural background have an impact on his or her health, but the patient may also be using culturally based home remedies that have an impact on his or her health.


The “Consequences” section is missing.

Empirical Referents

The “Empirical Referents” section is missing.


Additional Cultural factors This section is not required. Please focus on the concept analysis “Cultural Logic”.

Health system barriers/ belief This section is not required. Please focus on the concept analysis “Cultural Logic”.

Negative social stereotypes are known to affect actions and influence healthcare professionals’ decisions during the clinician-patient contact (Geiger, 2001). Minorities have a lower rate of referrals for cardiac operations, lower analgesic prescribing rates, and less suitable cancer or depression therapy (Giles , Anda , Casper , et al.1995; Shiefer , Escarce , Schulman , 2000). This is likely to affect patients with ADHD as well. Increased transmission of ADHD knowledge through community activities, enhanced clinician training in cultural competency, and open communication among parents, clinicians, and school employees are all strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

Family Pattern This section is not required. Please focus on the concept analysis “Cultural Logic”.

Before engaging with peer groups or society at large, most children’s initial exposure with cultures and beliefs nearly always begins with their families. Parents are in charge of parenting a kid (who is most likely at their mercy) according to their own judgment and cultural ideas. As a result, some parents do not recognize ADHD signs as markers of attention difficulties; instead, they believe they are just part of normal growth. Indeed, African-American parents have reported a greater lack of awareness of ADHD symptoms than white parents (Bailey & Owens, 2005).

African Americans were more likely than whites to be unaware with ADHD, according to a poll examining cultural disparities between African-American and white respondents. Children in certain cultures are raised to act in accordance with various cultural norms. Thai children, for example, are less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD because they are taught to behave and speak softly in public and to respect their parents and elders (Moon, 2012). Furthermore, Latino communities’ cultural norms stress tight family relationships, making parents more forgiving of their children’s conduct; as a result, they are less likely to see externalizing ADHD symptoms as problematic behavior (Haack & Gerdes, 2011). As a result, ADHD symptoms are viewed differently in different cultures, and what some cultures deem problematic behavior is not considered problematic in others.

Conclusions Level 1 headings should be centered, bolded, and use title case.


For the “Conclusions” section, please focus on the findings from the concept analysis “Cultural Logic”.

Intercultural competence and cultural awareness are some of the ideas that have been established in the nursing literature. It requires nurses to recognize that people come from diverse cultures and ethnicities, demanding care that respects each person’s individuality (Lowe J, & Archibald, 2009, as cited in Albougami, et al., 2016). The ideas of ethnicity, race, and culture are used in transcultural nursing to better understand people’s views and actions. In order to provide culturally appropriate healthcare, nurses must consider these principles (Albougami, et al, 2016).








References Level 1 headings should be centered, bolded, and use title case.

Please follow the APA guidelines.

All citation entries should be double-spaced.


Abbott, M., Binde, P., Hodgins, D., Korn, D., Pereira, A., Volberg, R., & Williams, R. (2013). Conceptual framework of harmful gambling: An international collaboration. Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (OPGRC).

Albougami, A. S., Pounds, K. G., & Alotaibi, J. S. (2016). Comparison of four cultural competence models in transcultural nursing: A discussion paper. International Archives of Nursing and Health Care, 2(3), 1-5. Please follow the APA guidelines. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

AnAaker, A., & Elf, M. (2014). Sustainability in nursing: Aa concept analysis. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 28(2), 381-389. Please follow the APA guidelines. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

Bailey, R. K., & Owens, D. L. (2005). Overcoming challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in African Americans. Journal of the National Medical Association, 97(10), 5S. Please follow the APA guidelines. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

Baron-Cohen, S., Ring, H., Moriarty, J., Schmitz, B., Costa, D., & Ell, P. (1994). Recognition of mental state terms. British Journal of Psychiatry, 165(5), 640-649. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

Bussing, R., & Gary, F. A. (2001). Practice guidelines and parental ADHD treatment evaluations: friends or foes? Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 9(5), 223-233. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

Bussing, R., Gary, F. A., Mills, T. L., & Garvan, C. W. (2003). Parental explanatory models of ADHD. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 38(10), 563-575. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

Chon S. J. (1989). Kanho Hakhoe chi [The Journal of Nurses Academic Society], 19(1), 92–98. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Collins, K. P., & Cleary, S. D. (2016). Racial and ethnic disparities in parent-reported diagnosis of ADHD: National Survey of Children’s Health (2003, 2007, and 2011). The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77(1), 0-0. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

Dinos, S., Ascoli, M., Owiti, J. A., & Bhui, K. (2017). Assessing explanatory models and health beliefs: An essential but overlooked competency for clinicians. BJPsych Advances, 23(2), 106-114. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Enfield, N. (2000). The Theory of Cultural Logic: How Individuals Combine Social Intelligence with Semiotics to Create and Maintain Cultural Meaning. Cultural Dynamics. 12. 35-64. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Essau, C. A., Groen, G., Conradt, J., Turbanisch, U., & Petermann, F. (1999). Frequency, comorbidity and psychosocial correlates of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Results of a Bremen adolescent study. Fortschritte der Neurologie-psychiatrie, 67(7), 296-305. The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

Geiger, H. J. (2001). Racial stereotyping and medicine: the need for cultural competence. Cmaj, 164(12), 1699-1700. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Geiger, C. J. (2001). Communicating dietary guidelines for Americans: room for improvement. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 101(7), 793-797.

Giles, W. H., Anda, R. F., Casper, M. L., Escobedo, L. G., & Taylor, H. A. (1995). Race and sex differences in rates of invasive cardiac procedures in US hospitals: Ddata from the National Hospital Discharge Survey. Archives of internal medicine, 155(3), 318-324. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Good, B. (1986). Explanatory models and care-seeking: a critical account. In Illness Behavior (pp. 161-172). Springer, Boston, MA. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Greenwood, D. (1996). Nursing care plans. Nursing management, 27(3), 33.

Haack, L. M., Gerdes, A. C., Schneider, B. W., & Hurtado, G. D. (2011). Advancing our knowledge of ADHD in Latino children: Psychometric and cultural properties of Spanish-versions of parental/family functioning measures. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 39(1), 33-43. Please follow the APA guidelines.


Harris, P. R., Moran, R. T., & Moran, S. (2004). Managing cultural differences (6th ed.). New York: Elsevier The Titles of books should be italicized.

Hillemeier, M. M., Foster, E. M., Heinrichs, B., Heier, B., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group. (2007). Racial differences in parental reports of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder behaviors. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 28(5), 353. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Johnston, B. A., Mwangi, B., Matthews, K., Coghill, D., Konrad, K., & Steele, J. D. (2014). Brainstem abnormalities in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder support high accuracy individual diagnostic classification. Human brain mapping, 35(10), 5179-5189. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Kleinman suggests that a patient can seek healthcare advice from

Kleinman, A. (1980). Patients and healers in the context of culture. University of California press. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Kleinman, A., Eisenberg, L., & Good, B. (1978). Culture, illness, and care: Cclinical lessons from anthropologic and cross-cultural research. Annals of internal medicine, 88(2), 251-258. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Lawson, G. M., Nissley-Tsiopinis, J., Nahmias, A., McConaughy, S. H., & Eiraldi, R. (2017). Do parent and teacher report of ADHD symptoms in children differ by SES and racial status?. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39(3), 426-440. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Lowe, J., & Archibald, C. (2009). Cultural diversity: The intention of nursing. In Nursing Forum (Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 11-18). Malden, USA: Blackwell Publishing Inc. Please follow the APA guidelines.

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Matsumoto, D. (2007). Culture, context, and behavior. Journal of personality, 75(6), 1285-1320. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Mattox, R., & Harder, J. (2007). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and diverse populations. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 24(2), 195-207. Please follow the APA guidelines.

McSweeney, J. C., Allan, J. D., & Mayo, K. (1997). Exploring the use of explanatory models in nursing research and practice. Image: The Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 29(3), 243-248.

Please follow the APA guidelines.

Moon, S. (2012). Cultural perspectives on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A comparison between Korea and the US. Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies, 6, 1, page numbers are missing. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Offe, J. A. (2001). “Smart Guys Plan for the Future!” Cultural Concepts of Time and the Prevention of AIDS in Africa. Africa Spectrum, 53-72. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Padilla, A. M. & Medina, A. (2001). Issues in culturally appropriate assessment. In L.A. Suzuki, J. G. Ponterotto, & P. C. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Assessment: Clinical, Psychological, & Educational Applications, Second Edition (pp. 29-45). San Franscisco: Jossey-Bass Inc. Please follow the APA guidelines.

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Sewell, W. H. (1999). 1. The Concept (s) of Culture (pp. 35-61). University of California Press. Please follow the APA guidelines.

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Swidler, A. (2001). Cultural expression and action. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Ugwu, N. U., & de Kok, B. (2015). Socio-cultural factors, gender roles and religious ideologies contributing to Caesarian-section refusal in Nigeria. Reproductive health, 12(1), 1-13. Please follow the APA guidelines.

Valentino, L. (2021). Cultural logics: Toward theory and measurement. Poetics, 101574. Please follow the APA guidelines.

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Deering, M (2021). Cultural Competence in Nursing | NurseJournal. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from

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Nursing, O. R. F. (n.d.). Nursing Fundamentals – Simple Book Publishing. Pressbooks. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from

RegisteredNursing.Org. (2020). African American nurses: Making history. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from


Kleinman suggests that a patient can seek healthcare advice from

dierent sources


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Yes. We have posted over our previous orders to display our experience. Since we have done this question before, we can also do it for you. To make sure we do it perfectly, please fill out our Order Form. Filling the order form correctly will assist our team in referencing, specifications, and future communication.

Assistance With Information On Philosopher - Martin Heidegger

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1. Click on the  “Order Now” on the Main Menu and a new page will appear with an order form to be filled.

2. Fill in your paper’s requirements in the “PAPER INFORMATION” section and the system will calculate your order price/cost.

3. Fill in your paper’s academic level, deadline, and the required number of pages from the drop-down menus.

4. Click “FINAL STEP” to enter your registration details and get an account with us for record-keeping and then, click on “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” at the bottom of the page.

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Assistance With Information On Philosopher – Martin Heidegger

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5. From there, the payment sections will show, follow the guided payment process and your order will be available for our writing team to work on it. 

We will process your orders through multiple stages and checks to ensure that what we are delivering to you, in the end, is something that is precise as you envisioned it. All of our essay writing service products are 100% original, ensuring that there is no plagiarism in them. The sources are well-researched and cited so it is interesting. Our goal is to help as many students as possible with their assignments, i.e. our prices are affordable and services premium.

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We are dedicated to delivering high quality nursing papers that adhere to the provided instructions, are adequately referenced with the latest scholarly knowledge,

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Respecting your time and needs, we complete and deliver your orders within the specified timeframe.

Highly skilled writers

We employ experienced and qualified PhD and MD writers able to deal with any types of academic papers

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Thorough research and the best academic writing practices ensure complete originality and high quality of every paper we deliver.

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