Assessing a community

Assessing a community


For this assessment you will complete an 8 to 10-page evidence-based analysis of your chosen global health issue within your chosen country of context.

For the DNP leader, assessing a community and empowering its members to lead and facilitate change are key components of promoting equitable health care across the globe. In this assessment, you will explore how rapid participatory appraisal (RPA) has been used successfully to address global health issues. You will also be reflecting on how global health issues are really human issues that transcend national boundaries.

Changing or improving a community’s health means engaging and involving community members and stakeholders in the business of change. It means organizing and empowering the vulnerable and disenfranchised as partners in change. It means entering the community with an appreciative and inquisitive attitude and building on existing capacities and paradigms.

Developed in the 1990s as a tool for qualitative action research, RPA is a type of investigation in which the change agent enters into the world of a community or social system to effect change through its people. RPA relies on respectful questioning and may use elements of appreciative inquiry (AI).

Cooperrider, Whitney, and Stavros (2008) described AI:

Fundamentally, AI is still about changing attitudes, behaviors, and practices through appreciative conversations and relationships—interactions designed to bring out the best in people so that they can imagine a preferred future together that is more hopeful, boundless, and inherently good. It is still about socially constructing a shared future and enacting human systems through the questions asked. And it is still about anticipatory learning—finding those positive, anticipatory images of the future that compel action toward them. (p. vi)

RPA can be a great place to start when seeking to intervene on a current health issue. Taking time to understand all aspects of the community—its people, culture, environment, policy, economics, and values—is imperative to making a lasting, sustainable difference in a health issue.


Cooperrider, D. L., Whitney, D., & Stavros, J. M. (2008). Appreciative inquiry handbook: For leaders of change (2nd ed.). Williston, VT: Berrett-Koehler.

Assessment Summary

This assignment is an opportunity for you to present a thoughtful analysis of your selected public health problem and the countries and people affected. This could be the health problem that you identified while exploring the Gapminder tool. The goal is to develop a brief project proposal or educational resource that you could present to a relevant public health officer or at a government or NGO chapter meeting. You may also wish to interview relevant stakeholders from the organization you plan to present. This could help provide you with additional ideas for how to pitch your project proposal or educational resource.

Remember to track the experiential hours you spend interviewing, preparing your proposal, and presenting it. This time can count toward your total practicum hours.

Assessment Instructions

For this assessment, you will submit an analysis paper of your selected health issue and its relevant Gapminder data, using current APA style and formatting. In an appendix of this paper, you will include either your project proposal or educational resource for potentially improving outcomes related to your chosen health issue. You should also include a second appendix in which you briefly summarize your experience related to the presentation or meeting related to your proposal or resource.

Make sure you address the following scoring guide criteria in your analysis of a health issue with global implications:

· Analyze an international health issue in regard to its effect on individuals, communities, and populations.

1. As you address the following questions, be sure to use epidemiological data (this could be Gapminder).​

1. How pervasive is the problem?

1. What is the scope of the problem?

1. What nations or people are affected?

1. Which countries are disproportionately affected?

1. What inequities exist across countries?

· Analyze data regarding the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences that affect the global health issue.

. Because this section is a data analysis, be sure that data support your arguments here. This is another opportunity to include Gapminder data, but you may also want to draw from other sources.

1. How would you describe the population most affected?

1. What are the social determinants that affect this problem?

1. How do cultural beliefs affect the health problem?

1. How do geographical elements affect the health problem?

1. How does socioeconomic status affect the health problem?

1. How do political systems affect the health problem?​

· Evaluate strategies or research that has been used historically to address the global health issue.

. Address the historical strategies that have been used. It will be necessary to explore social, economic, political, and environmental concerns to answer this question.

· Develop an educational resource or project proposal focused on driving evidence-based improvements related to your chosen health issue.

. Consider the target population and the relevant social determinants of health related to this health issue.

. Also, keep in mind the setting in which the project would be occurring or the educational resource be distributed.

. Target this artifact so that it is realistic within the context within which it will be implemented but also target it to the relevant stakeholder whom you will present it to.

. Include this in an appendix of your submission.

· Summarize the practicum experience of presenting a project proposal or educational resource to a relevant public health officer or at a chapter meeting of a relevant health organization.

. Discuss how you felt conveying your proposal or resource.

. Discuss how you felt it was received during the meeting.

. Reflect on anything you might change if you were going to present at a similar meeting in the future.

. This should only be two or three paragraphs.

. Include this in an appendix of your assignment submission.

· Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.

Also, you should enter your hours spent interviewing and collecting data as experiential practicum hours into CORE ELMS. Doing this is also part of your grade on this assessment.

Additional Requirements

Include the following headings in your paper:

· Description of the Problem.

· Social Determinants That Impact the Problem.

· Strategies and Gaps.

· Conclusion.

· Appendix A: Project Proposal or Educational Resource.

. Title it after the type of artifact you developed.

· Appendix B: Meeting Summary.

Remember to include an introduction to your paper, which is not a heading of its own, and a reference page.

In addition, your paper should meet the following requirements:

· Written communication: Written communication is free of spelling and grammatical errors that detract from the overall message. Writing is clear, precise, and scholarly. Concepts flow in a logical order. Page margins and page numbering are accurate, according to current APA guidelines for style and format.

· Length of paper: 8–10 double-spaced pages (not including Title Page, or Reference List).

· References: At least eight references from peer-reviewed sources.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Portfolio Prompt: You are required to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio.

· Scoring Guide

Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.



Global Issue Problem Description Scoring Guide

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Analyze an international health issue in regard to its effect on individuals, communities, and populations. Does not identify an international health issue in regard to its effect on individuals, communities, and populations. Identifies but does not analyze an international health issue in regard to its effect on individuals, communities, and populations. Analyzes an international health issue in regard to its effect on individuals, communities, and populations. Analyzes an international health issue in regard to its effect on individuals, communities, and populations; and predicts social or political ramifications of health issue if not addressed.
Analyze data regarding the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences that affect the global health issue. Does not analyze data regarding the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences that affect the global health issue. Analyzes data regarding the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences but does not make clear connection to effect on specified global health issue. Analyzes data regarding the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences that affect the global health issue. Analyzes data regarding the socioeconomic, political, and cultural influences that affect the global health issue, and predicts how future changes will increase or decrease these effects on the global health issue.
Evaluate strategies that have been used historically to address the global health issue. Does not identify strategies that have been used historically to address the global health issue. Identifies but does not evaluate strategies that have been used historically to address the global health issue. Evaluates strategies that have been used historically to address the global health issue. Evaluates strategies that have been used historically to address the global health issue and evaluates the current prospects and predicts future success, with support from literature.
Develop an educational resource or project proposal focused on driving evidence-based improvements related to chosen health issue. Does not explain an educational resource or project proposal focused on driving evidence-based improvements related to chosen health issue. Explains, but does not fully develop, an educational resource or project proposal focused on driving evidence-based improvements related to chosen health issue. Develops an educational resource or project proposal focused on driving evidence-based improvements related to chosen health issue. Develops an educational resource or project proposal focused on driving evidence-based improvements related to chosen health issue. Notes relevant assumptions that were made during the development.
Summarize the practicum experience of presenting a project proposal or educational resource to a relevant public health officer, or at a chapter meeting of a relevant health organization. Does not describe the project proposal or educational resource. Describes the project proposal or educational resource, but fails to address experiences in presenting or indicate the relevant public health officer, or health organization that was the audience. Summarizes the experience of presenting a project proposal or educational resource to a relevant public health officer, or at a chapter meeting of a relevant health organization. Summarizes the experience of presenting a project proposal or educational resource to a relevant public health officer, or at a chapter meeting of a relevant health organization. Notes areas of learning or growth that occurred as a result of the experience.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards. Does not convey purpose in an appropriate tone and style. Does not incorporate supporting evidence nor adhere to organizational, professional, or scholarly writing standards. Conveys purpose, in an appropriate tone or style. Clear, effective communication is inhibited by insufficient supporting evidence and/or minimal adherence to organizational, professional, or scholarly writing standards. Conveys purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards. Conveys clear purpose, in a tone and style well-suited to the intended audience. Supports assertions, arguments, and conclusions with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence. Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards, including APA style and formatting.



Evidence-Based Global Health Strategic Planning


In developing a strategic plan for vulnerable populations key elements must be considered. Integrating these components into your plan ensures the success of your planned proposal and helps in supporting the plan and providing the most appropriate resources.

Remembering that the World Health Organization (WHO) has defined Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) as ‘the conditions in which people are born, grow, live and work’ (2012), these determinants may vary greatly depending on the demographics and political environment of the geographic region. Gapminder has provided a wealth of information regarding populations; and has hopefully tweaked an interest in how important global health is.

To help increase your understanding of the determinants of health in relation to vulnerable populations, and to help in developing your strategic plan, please complete the entries below. Please use the information in the Gapminder resource and identify one country or area of interest. Complete each section to address specific determinants of health, their definition, the need/rationale, potential programs/policy and nurse leader opportunity.



Determinants of Health

DOH (Ex. Food security.)

This question has not yet been answered.



DOH (Ex. Availability and access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food.)

This question has not yet been answered.



DOH (Ex. Food insecurities can lead to developmental impairments; also indirectly r/t obesity where nutritious foods are unavailable.)

This question has not yet been answered.



DOH (Ex. Federal nutrition program: WIC. Community garden.)

This question has not yet been answered.


Nurse Leader Opportunity

DOH (Ex. Partnering with local community garden. Position on school board re: school nutrition program Screen community for SDOH.)

This question has not yet been answered.


After completing the previous section, what are the main disparities you need to concentrate on?



When examining the disparities remember that they influence each other. Therefore, it is important to not only look at the individual disparity, but how these disparities influence each other. What are some ways that disparities influence each over?

This question has not yet been answered.

One example: Access to health care is dependent on significant factors such as payment for services, transportation, and health literacy. Are these factors considered SDOH?


What relationships do you see as influencing factors between or among the SDOH? Please identify them and explain how these factors impact the health status of populations.

This question has not yet been answered.

Achieving global health is dependent upon collaborative partnerships that provide resources appropriate for the identified SDOH.


Is there a priority SDOH that needs to be addressed? Please support your answer with evidence.

This question has not yet been answered.

Aligning Maslow’s ‘hierarchy of needs’ supports meeting the necessities of the population.


Where do you see the Essentials of Doctoral Education meeting the needs of the SDOH?

This question has not yet been answered.

Leadership needs to be integrated into our role as nurse advocates.


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